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Rose's POV

I hesitantly sat across from Dimitri. His hands were folded atop an envelope as he stared me down with a stern look. "Scott gave me this letter on the plane to Spokane. He asked me to give it to you if anything was to happen to him." Dimitri slid the letter across the table towards me. I held my breath as he got up from his seat as left the room.

A letter from Scott? Part of me wanted nothing more than to open it, I had hoped that the words scribbled inside would give me some kind of closure and explain why he did what he did. But the majority of me decided to get up from the table and walk away.

He was my Scott. He held me while I cried, cleaned my wounds literally and metaphorically. He laughed with me and he mourned with me. How am I expected to live my life on this god forsaken planet without him?

My feet carried me out the front door and down the pavement. The emptiness consumed me. I felt nothing. I wasn't sad, nor was I hurt. I didn't feel anything, no emotion. Nothing.

I hadn't notice it was raining until I began to cross the road and a car honked its horn at me. I turned to find headlights shining right at me. I quickened my pace so that I didn't get hit. I smiled as I wandered past the first place Scott and I had ever kissed.

It was not long after my birthday about 6 years ago. He and I had been flirting with each other and we weren't an exclusive couple, nor were we friends with benefits. We were how old people would say courting. We went on dates, we were more than friends but we weren't together.

I remember sitting on the bench as we tried to count the stars, until we saw a shooting one. "Make a wish," he laughed, his eyes never leaving the night sky.

"Only if you make one too," I whispered. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him smile. "What did you wish for?" I asked looking at him. The moonlight glistened over his face, illuminating his features. The light was pretty on him.

"You first?" he smiled.

"Okay," I said, "Promise not to laugh?"

"Of course not," he replied.

"I wished that when we get home, Louise had made those little brownie things she makes, ugh they're so good." I watched his face twist into a smirk. "Your turn."

He looked down into my eyes, "I wished that by the end of the night, I had the most memorable kiss with the most beautiful girl in the world."

"I'm sorry," I said, as he cupped my face with his huge hands, "But Angelina Jolie isn't here."

"Well," he laughed, "Second most beautiful girl in the world."

My breath hitched in my throat.

In that moment, Scott's lips crashed into mine. It was like fireworks were going off in my head. I hadn't been this happy since Dimitri.


The thought of Dimitri bought me back to the present and I realised that I had been staring at the park bench like a crazy person for the last few minutes.

I furrowed my brow. I needed to know what was in that letter.

I began the journey home. Once I got there I opened the front door and let myself in. Taking off my shoes and coat I looked around the rooms I could see, it was light outside and the house was empty. The letter still sat untouched on the table. I picked it up and walked upstairs.

Thank god no one is home. I don't think I could go through with this if I knew people were home. I need to be with Scott.

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