24. // Singing and Sleepovers //

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From "Auguries of Innocence" by William Blake:

"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour."

We had been staying at the hospital for the last three days now, and Tiana still hadn't woken up.

The doctors told us that she was out of danger now, but her cancer could relapse anytime.

There was a mile long list of things she could and couldn't do, which she strictly had to follow. There were about a million medicines in there, and it was going to be fun seeing her face as she took all of them.

All of us had been feeling a whole lot better now that Tiana was almost okay. Noah stayed with us in the hospital the whole time, and refused to listen to us when we told him to go home. I found it sweet that he was adamant to stay.

Even though he hardly knew Tiana, he was staying because she was my friend.

Rachel had been telling me to leave for coffee and go home and bathe, but I was going to stay until she woke up.


I was sitting in the hospital room next to Tiana, reading with Sarah when Noah entered the room, with Rachel.

'Gabriel, why don't you, Sarah and Noah go out for a while now? I'm right here. Also, I spoke to the doctors now, and they said that she'll wake up only by tomorrow morning. I'll give you a call when she does,'

I opened my mouth to say no, but when I thought about it, I realised that she ready had a point, besides, I really needed a bath. I hadn't bathed for three days straight, and I was probably reeling of sweat, and dirt.

'Alright,' I agreed, 'But make sure to call us as soon as she wakes up,'
Rachel nodded and smiled. She was glad that Tiana was alright... She was so worried.

I pushed these thoughts away, and left the hospital with Sarah and Noah in tow.

We got into Noah's car, and drove to the nearest Starbucks. I knew I hadn't bathed, and I was probably so smelly that none would sit with me, but, I thought, Noah and Sarah were as grimy as I was, so I had company.

We entered and sat down at one lg the many tables. I decided to have a caramel latte, Sarah wanted a blueberry muffin, and Noah went for some hot chocolate.

We chattered happily as we ate and drank, I guess the fact that Tiana was getting better cheered us up a great deal.

We finished our snack in no time at all, and I saw Sarah pick her phone up. She looked at it, and her face flushed red.

I wiggled my eyebrows at her, and she shot me a death glare.
'Guys, I'll see you tomorrow, Leo just texted me and he wants to meet up,' she said, and looked at me, silently asking me if she should go. I gave her a huge smile, and smirked.

'Don't get to cozy together, you have to be there by tomorrow,' I teased, and she pinched me. She waved to Noah, and she was out the door faster than you could say cheesecake.

Noah and I were left alone now, and it was super awkward, I opened my mouth to say something, when Noah spoke up,

'Gab, just for today, can we please not talk about the kiss... Can we just behave as though it never happened, please. I want to go back to being your best friend, and I don't want anything to be awkward between us,' he said, pleading with me with his eyes. I agreed without thinking.

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