16. // Long Day //

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The car ride home was short. I was deep in thought and , frankly, in no mood to talk.
Alex drove me home quietly, knowing that when I'm like this, it's best to leave me alone.

He stopped outside my house, and looked at me. I looked back , and smiled at him. 'Thanks for for dropping me home. I'm really sorry if I've been acting all wierd, I'm not really in a very good mood , ' I said, and give him a hug.

I got out of the car and started walking towards the front door. I looked back and waved at him. He waved back and I went inside.

I entered my room and plopped on my bed with a sigh. I was exhausted, but I wasn't ready to sleep yet.

I picked up my phone and diallled Tiana's number. 'Monkey, we're having a sleepover tonight. Be here in 15, and call the other monkey too.' I said, and hung up.
I needed some girl time.


The doorbell rang, and I rushed down to open it. Dad had gone away for a buisness trip, for about a month, and I had the house to myself. Tiana came in screaming, 'Where's the food?' and Sarah followed, rubbing her forehead.

'Remind me never to sit in the same car as her ever again! She almost got us killed...Thrice! I don't even know how we reached here in one piece!' I laughed and led them upstairs, where, as usual, Tiana flopped down on my bed, and started jumping on it.

She fell down, and Sarah jumped on her shouting, 'Dogpile!' I laughed and joined them, only getting up, when Tiana bit my hand.

'Woman! You claim to be our friend , but you no give us any food!' Sarah shouted and threw a pillow at me. I groaned, and walked back down to make some popcorn.


I got up to find Tiana's leg on my face, and Sarah's hand on her butt. I pushed them off of me, and got up. I turned and looked at them, and smiled. I quickly snapped a picture of them sleeping.

Tiana and I no longer lived together anymore, she insisted on shifting into a rented apartment. I didn't talk to her for a day after that, but soon realised that she was right. So times like this had become very rare.

I told them about last evening's happenings, and they told me that they were armed and ready whenever I needed them.

Tiana actually grabbed a vase, and ran around the room shouting ,'Bad Monkey, Bad Monkey', she later told us that she was practicing how to actually act if he comes in front of them.

I walked dowm the school corridors, and every student turned towards me, shocked. I knew why. Usually, I had either Sarah and Tiana, Noah, or Alex along with me , but today, I was alone. Sarah and Tiana were busy trying to smuggle in a lot of food..

As I walked, I spotted Alex leaning against some lockers, buisily typing something on his phone. I walked upto him and hugged him from the back. He looked startled, and hastily shut his phone. 'Hey babe, what are you doing here? Don't you have class?', he asked me, wrapping an arm around me, and snuggling close.

These were the moments I loved, when he was so sweet, and unknowingly caring. 'Just going to Photography. Alex, I know I've been a little distant lately, and I haven't really been talking to you much, There's been a lot going on, I know that's no excuse, but, I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you. Let's go out today,' he turned slightly pale, and his expression saddened.

' I would love to Gab, but today...I have plans,' he gave me a small smile.
' That's cool, we can catch up later. I've gotta go now, I'm late for class. See you later, love you!' I said , and walked away.

I entered the classroom, and only then did I realize that Noah is my photography partner, and things were going to be super awkward today.

I grabbed my camera and walked towards the school fields. I sat down beneath a tree and started clicking pictures of the boys playing soccer, and the girls practicing their cheer routines. They knew that I was really busy these days, so they took it upon themselves to practice.

Suddenly, I felt someone sit down beside me. I turned to see who it was and I was greeted by Noah's stern face. I groaned and got up.

' Gab, wait. I need to talk to you. It's important. '

'Go away Noah, I don't wanna talk to you, not now, just leave me alone', I said , and began to walk away.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. 'What is your problem Noah, last time I checked, I'm not friends with anyone who doesn't trust me,' I snapped. 'Gabriel, there's no time to be childish. You have to listen,' he said.

I attempted to walk away again, but he held onto my shoulders, and blocked me from leaving. 'Gab, you have to be careful. These are dangerous people. You can get killed. Just watch out,' he explained.

'Funny right? Yesterday, I was the one telling you almost the same things, but did you listen? No, so what makes you think that I will? Listen to me Noah, if you want me to listen to you, you have to too. That's the deal. Now, if you'll excuse me, I haeve a class to go to,' I said, and shoved him aside. 'God! You're so stubborn! Fine then. Don't tell me I didn't warn you,' he shouted and walked away.

I walked towards the classroom and gave the camera back.

This day just gets better and better. I said to myself as I walked towards my next class.

I could finally go home! Cheerleading practice went on for forever! All I wanted to do was have a nice, long bubble bath.

But, home was a fifteen minute walk away. I came to school in Sarah's car, but now, Tiana and Sarah were staying back in school for their basketball tryouts, and frankly, I did not have the energy to stay here a minute longer. So I guess...I was walking home.

I left the school grounds, and took out my phone, connecting them to my earphones. I walked through the streets, thinking about all that had happened this week, there's so much drama in my life, they could seriously make a movie out if it...

Anyway. I was walking through a not so populated street, when a car stopped in front of me....
A man got out , and put a hand over my mouth..
My eyes wide, I was pulled inside the car, and suddenly, everything went black.


Hello people!
I know this chapter is not great, and it could have been much better, but I literally could not find the right words to use..
I promise you will love the next chapter!
This chapter is dedicated to @Vanshikasatra because she has been constantly telling me to update!😘😘
Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE this story if you like it.


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