30. //Electric//

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From "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou:

"You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise."

I guess I must have fallen asleep again, because when I opened my eyes, we were home.

I was in the back seat of Noah's car, and he was nowhere to be seen.

I got out and looked around. He was sitting under the same tree that he had climbed that day to see if I was okay, the day when Valerie embarrassed me at school. Funny, that day seemed so long ago. It was almost an insignificant part if my past. A tiny part of me, tucked away at the back of my mind.

Shaking the thought away, I walked up to Noah,and sat down next to him. I poked his cheeks to get his attention.

He snapped out of whatever he was thinking, and put an arm around me.
'Hey gorgeous, finally awake?'

That was when I looked around, and actually saw what was around me, well apart from my house.

The sky was a light pink, with flurries of white splattered all across it like a very messy palette. Flocks of birds took flight from somewhere over the horizon and flew towards the east. I could see the sun peek at me from behind the clouds, radiant, but at the same time dimmed. It was all so... Beautiful.

'What time is it', I asked him.
'5 o'clock,'
'Why didn't you wake me up,' I asked him.
I had been asleep for the past two hours, and maybe he was awake the whole time. He should've woken me up.

'Nah, you looked too pretty while sleeping, and that was the only time you were quiet, so it gave me some time to think too,' he said, and I slapped his arm, pouting.

'Noah,' I said softly.
'Huh ,doll?' he asked me looking into my eyes.
'Thank you,'
'For what ,' he asked me, raising an eyebrow.
'For now, for last night and for everything else. Thanks for... Being there. For being you. You're amazing,' I told him, meaning every word that I said.

He really was too good to be true. Every moment spent with him was different. He made me feel unique, he taught me to love the world. He taught me to love... Me. He was the best thing that had happened to me. Ever.

'Really?' he asked me, raising my chin with his thumb and forefinger.
I nodded, gazing deep into his hazel brown eyes.

'The will you let me do something that I've wanted to do since the day I met you?' he asked me, and I blinked in confusion.

'Wha-', I started to ask him, but he interrupted me by closing what was left of the little distance between us. His hand cupped my cheeks, and he eyes fell in my lips.
He slowly inched forward, and his lips touched mine ever so slightly. I was too stunned to do anything, so I just stood there, with him kissing me.

But when I was finally able to move,  I put my hand on his shoulder, and kissed back.

If you think it's possible to have fireworks then you're wrong. I could feel a whole carnival start inside me.

I felt sparks run through my skin, and tingles burst through me at his every touch. All I could sense was the smell of mint and sparks. Loads of them. He slung his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, as if he was afraid I would let go.

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