15. // Shock... //

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'Shit', I said, and fell of the rock. I wasn't hurt, just startled.
I got up and scrambled back onto the rock, and went closer to Noah.
I held his arm, and whispered, 'What's going on N? '. He looked at me grimly, and said, 'I think I know.'

Suddenly, from the bushes, came the sound of footsteps. I turned around, only to find another bullet being shot somewhere around.

Three men burst out of the bushes, and surrounded us, their guns aimed right at our heads.

One man came towards me, and pulled me to him, holding a gun to my head.

'Don't touch her! ' Noah shouted.

'Well, Well. Looks like Noah's got a girlfriend. Does she know who you are, or should I tell her.' the man said, smirking.

'Shut up, and leave her alone. We can do this later. Rick, this is the last time I'm telling you. ' I looked at Noah, shocked.

He knew this guy? Well, obviously he did, because he used his name, but how could he?

'Listen buddy', Rick said, beginning to get angry,' I don't give a damn about who she is, and I ain't waiting around any longer. I need the pack right now, or else things will get very messy around here,'.

I was horrified!
These people were dangerous, and I still did not get how Noah knew these goons.

There was silence everywhere.
Noah and Rick were having an intense stare down. I took the opportunity to study Rick.

He was muscular, and seemed stronger than Noah. He had a tattoo of an eagle on his left forearm, and his hair was jet black, and gelled back. He had a scar right across his forehead and right eye. He was dressed in a baggy shirt, and extremely ripped jeans.

His whole aura screamed TROUBLE. We had to get away.

I was brought back to my senses, when I heard another gunshot. Rick was getting more and more impatient by the minute. He looked so angry, that I thought he would shoot my head off.

'Noah.. What's going on? ', I asked him, my voice trembling. He held up a finger to silence me.

We all just stood there, it almost felt like someone had died, the only difference was that Rick was the one that would do the killing.

Rick's gaze shifted towards me, and he started creeping closer. I looked at Noah, who was studying his every move. He blinked his eyes softly, telling me that I wouldn't get hurt.

I slowly started taking small steps back. Rick followed. I kept moving further away from him, until my back hit the hard rock that we were sitting on earlier.
Rick raised his hand to hit me, when Noah jumped up, and landed on Rick's back. He yelled out in surprise, and tumbled down, taking Noah with him. The other man went to help his boss, while the third came closer to me. I had to think fast, I needed to save us.

I realized that Rick had dropped his gun when he fell, so I cautiously picked it up, my hands trembling.
I lifted the gun towards the third guy, and yelled out, threatening to shoot him.

Rick and Noah stopped fighting to look at me. I held up the gun towards Rick, and Noah's face showed pure relief, and he walked up to me.
'Listen to me Rick,' he said, taking the gun from me. 'I thought we had a deal. You pay up, and you get the goods. You keep your side of the plan, and I keep mine.' I gasped at Noah. He sounded... Different.
What was he talking about? We needed to talk.

Suddenly, we heard the scream of sirens from the other side of the Woods. Noah looked at me, his face showing terror. He almost seemed paralysed.

Rick and his goons scrambled away to find a place to hide. Noah just stood there, not moving.
I huffed, this was not the time for him to act like a girl.

I took his hand in mine, and rugged at it. He finally woke up. The both of us began running. We sprinted through the woods, hand in hand, stumbling and tripping.

I looked back to see the cops running through the bushes.
I increased my pace, and we burst through the last of the bushes, reaching the end of the woods.
His car lay just in front of us.

We jumped in, and he pressed down on the accelerator, and we hurried away. Both of us were panting as we sat back. That was such a narrow escape.
I was so confused. I rolled the windows down and looked out. Both of us needed some time to catch our breath.

I was super curious. Who were those people. How did Noah know them. What were they talking about. Why was Noah so freaked out when he saw the cops?

There was something big that Noah was hiding... Definitely big. And I needed to find out.

'Okay Noah, ' I said, turning to him. 'Are you going to tell me what all that was about? I have many questions. '
He sighed and looked at me.

'Alright Gab, you need a full explanation. '

I nodded my head briskly, and gestured for him to go on.
'Don't freak out, but I'm actually part of a gang. We import and export mainly alcohol, and to some extent, drugs. We occasionally get into fights, and get beaten up pretty bad.
I get payed a huge amount of money for what I do', he said, and looked down.

I was speechless... I couldn't believe it. How come... I opened my mouth to ask, but it seemed like he wanted to say more. 'Rick is a member from another gang. We had a deal, and I was supposed to deliver some goods to him. But he had to pay the cash before he got the goods, and he hasn't done that yet. I'm so sorry that you had to witness this today Gab. ' I was dumbstruck. I just stared at him, unable to say anything.

I then realized that he was badly bruised, his lip was torn, and his forehead was bleeding. I quickly searched for something to clean him up, but considering the short, tight top that I was wearing, I needed another source. I looked at his shirt. I quickly tore a piece of it, and gave it to him. 'Here, clean it up, ' I said, and looked away. He quietly took the cloth from me, and started wiping his forehead roughly with one hand, and driving with the other.

'Stop the car,' I said, and he obliged. We were at the side of and empty road, maybe fifteen minutes away from my house.

'Why? ' I asked him, my voice hard. 'Why do you do this? Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? You can get killed. Heck! I would have lost my life today. You almost got me arrested Noah! You are putting yourself in extreme danger. I can't see you do this. Just tell me why. '

He looked at me, his eyes swollen. He would start crying any minute. For a second, I thought he was going to tell me everything, and I held my breath, but just as quickly as the expression had come, it vanished. His face became hard again. 'I'm sorry Gab, but I can't tell you anything yet. In need time. My time. ', I looked at him hurt.

'Fine then, ' I sniffed, opening the door of the car. 'I can't see you put yourself in danger. I can't bear to see my best friend almost die every day.'

'If you can't trust me enough to tell me this, then I do t think we can be friends. I take back what I said.. I'm not glad I met you Noah Jordan. I wish I never met you. See you never', I said, and got out of the vehicle. I walked down the road slowly.

I heard Noah shuffle in the car, and almost heard him whisper, 'I'm sorry Gab, I really am', he then drove away, leaving me in the behind.

I had to think this out. I had questions that needed to be answered. Once I am involved, I stay involved.
But first, I needed a ride home.

I opened my phone, and dialed the one number I knew would be there, whenever I wanted him.
'Alex? Can you come pick me up? '

Hello lovelies!
We reached the fifteenth chapter. I can't believe it!
Thanks guys!
How was it? Did it live up-to your expectations? I'm not that good with fights, so... Yeah, I wrote what best came to me.
The next chapter will be up tomorrow!
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