Chapter 13 - Conversation Part 2

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Chapter 13 - Conversation Part 2

I walked up to the door, and rang the doorbell of the O2L house. Ricky answered the door and ushered me in after saying a quick hello. I must have disturbed them filming as Ricky went to sit back down next to Jc who was sat in front of a camera.

"Is Kian here?" I asked shyly "Yeah he's up in his room!" Jc shouted back at me. I walked slowly up the stairs, wondering why he left this morning without saying goodbye. What was I going to talk to him about? I mean I remember telling him this morning that we needed to talk but I don't remember what I needed to say. To be fair though I was on some serious drugs back at the doctors. 

I lightly knocked on Kian's door. "GO AWAY!" He shouted back. Hmm that's odd, I mean I told him when I was at the doctors that I would come over when I was out so what was up with him. I debated knocking again and then saying who it was but I decided to just open the door. 

"Kian It's me" I said as I opened the door. He turned around from his computer and smiled, he was editing my video for me, clearly this morning I hadn't realised he took my camera... Oops.

"Why so rude?" I said as I walked in closing the door behind me. "Nothing I just don't like to be disturbed when editing." He said quietly. "But that's my video.." I trailed off. "I know, it's just in your vlogs you have been looking really stressed so I thought I could help you, and I'm a master at editing!" He boasted. 

I laughed and then took a seat on his bed. "Can you take a break from your masterpiece for a few seconds?" I asked starting to feel nervous again like I did when we were going to kiss for the first time. I placed my bag beside me and looked up at him. "Sure what's up?" He looked worried.

"We need to talk about us and what happened this morning." I said trying not to sound nervous, but my voice cracked a little. "Ok?" he said sounding confused. "I know I got really emotional yesterday, and Said that I didn't want to start something with you till you were over Andrea but after talking to Will I realise that what I initially thought would happen probably wont because we both like each other and I don't believe your that kind of guy."

"What did you think I would do?" He asked sounding a little weird. Crap had I not told him what I was thinking or had he forgot? "I thought you would find a way to get into my pants and then get what you wanted and go, I though I would become your rebound." I practically whispered. Clearly he heard me as he looked angry at me.

"What did you take me for Lola? Do I honestly look like that type of guy?" He said starting to sound hurt. "No Kian you don't look like someone who did that but you have to remember I haven't ever done this before! I've never been in this situation, I'm trying to protect myself like I always have." I began to get upset again. Kian could tell and walked over to sit beside me, as he did my bag fell off the bed with all of its contents on the floor, including my prescriptions.

I bent down to gather it all up but didn't grab the pill box quick enough. Kian bent down and grabbed it. "What is this?" he said holding the bottle up. I blushed and quickly grabbed the box from his grasp. "Like I said protecting myself" I said putting emphasis on the last part. 

I think he realised what they were and he just looked at me blankly. "Ok they are the pill, the pill that girls take when sexually active to make sure that if they have unprotected sex, or a condom breaks they have another thing that will stop them getting pregnant." I blurted out forgetting I was talking to my potential first boyfriend.

He continued to look blankly at me and then said "But you're not sexually active, your still a virgin." I don't know why but this kind of annoyed me, "Kian! I can be careful, I want to be careful, I don't want to be a teen mum, hell I don't even know if I wan kids because I don't think I could bare to have them go through what I have!" I shouted as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Lola I was joking." Kian said as he pulled me into a hug, I drooped my bag back on the floor so I could wrap my arms around him. How could I feel so safe here when I barely knew him, although it felt like I had known him a lifetime? When I was here in his arms I couldn't be mad at him either he was so annoying but at the same time I felt for him in a way that I had never experienced before.

He pulled away from the hug taking my face gently in both of his hands, as he looked down into my eyes I could tell he was sorry for his remark. "Lola I really like you and I know you like me, an I promise I would never ever do something to intentionally hurt you, but I have never felt this way about a girl before and I'm glad I was your first kiss because that makes you all the more special to me. So although it's early days will you please be my girlfriend? Or at least let me take you on a date?" He said softly as his crooked smile came out once he was finished.

I don't know what came over me but I just got on my tiptoes and kissed him. The kiss started to get deeper like it was this morning before Will interrupted. Kian guided me to his bed, and pulled me down on it with him. His tongue was longing for entrance into my mouth but I was scared as I didn't want to be known as a bad kisser so I did what Will told me which was to not do something till I was ready.

Ricky all of a sudden barged into Kian's room "We are going to taco-bell you want anything?" There was then a mutter of something before he shouted "OMG I'M SO SORRY!" and then shut the door quickly. I jumped and pulled away from Kian, He looked at me and then the shut door. "Fuck!" He shouted.

I was confused as to why he was mad. He sat up on the bed and then put his head in his hands. I sat up too putting my hand on his back and rubbing it to soothe him. "We just can't get a break today, but we need to go sit down with the boys now." He said looking over at me. I nodded and he stood up taking my hand and led me downstairs to the Living room where the boys were gathered on the couch and Ricky was explaining what he saw.

Kian coughed loudly making Ricky jump. "OK well as you all know now thanks to Ricky and his big mouth we were making out in my room. But it's my room I'll do what I want in there, with whoever I want. But when my girlfriend is over could you have the decency to knock before you come barging in?" He said looking over to me, smiling and then lightly squeezed my hand. 

I began to blush, Girlfriend, Had he just called me his Girlfriend. I couldn't believe it. I mean I'm not complaining as I have got myself a keeper with Kian but we hadn't finished talking yet. We may have got minorly distracted but we hadn't got to the relationship part. I mean he asked me to be his girlfriend but I never really replied... 

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