Chapter 7 - The Next Day

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Chapter 7 - The Next Day

Once I had woken Up and got dressed and sorted myself out the doorbell rang, I knew exactly who it was as we had been texting all night after he dropped me home the night before. I think he felt something yesterday too when we kissed as we had never texted this much since we met, like 6 days ago. But I don't know what to do because I promised myself I wouldn't start a relationship with anyone till I'm ready and even if I am I know he isn't. I walked to the door and answered it, it was who I was expecting, Kian. He came in and then hugged me. 

"You alright?" I asked him he seemed a little different from usual not his cheery self. "Yeah I'm fine, I thought we could shoot here for a change, I brought my stuff" he said motioning to his rucksack that I hadn't even noticed when he walked in.

I nodded and told him to set up while I tweeted out what I should talk about for he said she said. It Said: 

"Hey dreamers so he said, she said today what shall we talk about? #specialguest"

Most of the replies were for weird things that we each find attractive. I proposed the idea to Kian even though I knew he had a whole video dedicated to it but he said "Maybe I have new ones so lets do it." He smiled as he placed my camera on his tripod.

"You ready to start?" I asked and he quickly nodded, clicking the record button then sitting down. I sat down next to him and began my video with the usual introduction.

"Hey dreamers! It's Wednesday and you know what that means? Its He said, She said and today I have a special guest with me Mr Kian Lawley. Now you may recognise him as 1/6 of Our Second Life but if you don't know who he is you clearly are new to the internet. Anyway his links will be in the description below like always. So anyway today I asked you guys what you wanted us to talk about and most of you guys said weird things we each find attractive. So we have each devised a list and we will now share them." I said to the camera.

"I like it when girls wear their glasses instead of contact lenses, I dunno why I just find it attractive. Now I'm not saying never wear your contacts again I'm just saying wear your glasses for a change." Kian said as he turned to smile at me, today was the day I had to wear my glasses as I had lost my new contact lenses so yay he likes one thing about me, I thought to myself.

"I like it when guys wear beanies, I don't honestly know why but to me that is just super attractive." I said quietly as I realised Kian had his grey beanie on.

"I find it attractive when girls have hidden talents, like they just randomly say or show you something you never knew they could do." He said slowly. So far I'm ticking most of these boxes I laughed to myself.

"I like it when a guy bites his lip, to me that is sexy, can't help it thats the way I feel, but don't judge me." I said. We continued like this for good few minutes until we had each finished our lists. I began to do the outro:

"Well, I hope that answered your curiosity, if it did make sure to give it a big thumbs up and also share this video with your friends, If you want to check out the videos we have made for Kian's channel and his O2L channel I will leave the links down below or you can click his face or his abs the choice is up to you. Until then I'm Lola Laws, keep dreaming and I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I said as we both shouted "BYE" and then Kian got up to turn the camera off.

"Well, that was fun, I wonder how Sam is doing with the editing of the music video?" I asked Kian as he was about to switch the cameras over. "I think he has done already as he pretty much started when we got home and then stayed up till 5 editing" Kian laughed as he said it.

"I really wanna see it" I said as I pouted. "Maybe I can get him to email it to me?" Kian said as he got his phone out and started tapping the keyboard. I smiled and said "What were we doing for your channel again?" 

"I honestly don't know." Said Kian softly as he put his phone back in his pocket. It buzzed after he had put it away, so he took it back out and said Sam had sent the final copy. I got up and grabbed my laptop so Kian could log on to his email and we could watch the video together.

He clicked play and the tune that I know and love so much began to play, I loved it so far it was perfect, the video went together well and you could see the clear story, the fake wedding at the end was pretty amazing to it was just beautiful. Kian looked at me and I looked at him, he wiped the tear I hadn't even realised I had shed, and then started doing what he did yesterday when we had to kiss. 

We were sat close together on the couch, and now he was looking into my eyes, then looking at my lips, then back at my eyes. He was about to kiss me, he leaned in for the kiss, but for some reason I stood up and moved into the kitchen area of my apartment. I knew he would have that sad look on his face that he had yesterday when I wiggled out of his hug. 

I stood over the sink as another tear fell down my face. Shit I have ruined my closest friendship, He is gonna hate me so much right now. I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to be a rebound for him and I know he isn't ready for a relationship after what he said yesterday about Andrea. 

I heard footsteps behind me then a faint voice that said "Lola?" I continued looking at the sink trying to wipe my eyes so he wouldn't see me like this. The footsteps got closer until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, my face partially dry but would no doubt be all red and blotchy. We both said nothing and he just took me into his strong arms and held me close.

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