Chapter 5 - At Kian's House

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Chapter 5 - At Kian's House

When we arrived at Kian's house I said "Hey" quickly to everyone and then Kian dragged me up to his room so we could talk ideas for our videos. All the boys were making kissy noises as we walked up the stairs, I blushed and Kian looked a little annoyed.

I sat down on his bed and saw a guitar balanced next to me, it was similar to my guitar, Black with a white ring around the rose with the word "Taylor" beautifully inscribed on the top of it. Kian sat down in his computer chair and opened something on his phone that engrossed him. I took my bag of my shoulder and put my camera down next to it.

I slowly picked up the guitar, Kian still completely unaware until I started to play "Once In A Lifetime" by Landon Austin. I played the beautiful finger picking bit perfectly which surprised me as I hadn't been playing since I got here and I always used to muck it up. 

As I got to the verse I began to sing and from the corner of my eye I saw Kian Put his phone down and stare at me. I just ignored him and continued to play the sweet tune and singing the words that meant so much to me. Kian sat in silence but had something in his hand I couldn't see what though. 

"Don't you know you stop the room, And All that I can See is you, I'm standing where the lightning strikes, I know this doesn't happen twice, You must be my Once In a Lifetime, In a Lifetime, In a Lifetime You must be my Once In a Lifetime." 

I played the whole song and when I stopped I got a round of applause, I must have got so into it as I didn't realise that the other members of O2L had came up to see what was going on. I blushed and then put the guitar down to realise that Kian had been filming me with my camera. 

"Wow that was awesome!" Jc Said. I smiled at him and then continued on to say "Where did you all come from?" they laughed and Ricky piped up "Well Kian can kinda play guitar but not as good as that so we came up to investigate and well like Jc said it was awesome!" 

"Well, thanks." I smiled. "Can you all go now?" Kian said, the boys began to turn around and leave closing the door behind them. 

"I never knew you could play guitar, or sing?" Kian said to me smiling still. "There's a lot of things you don' t know about me." I winked at him, then laughed, he laughed to. "Why that song though?" he asked. I blushed, I didn't have an answer for that question.

"Um..I guess its because I used to listen to it after my mum died, my dad used to play it on guitar to soothe me before I went to bed as I was 2 when she passed away. And I guess as soon as I was old enough to hold a guitar he taught it to me. It was our thing because it was my mum's favourite song, and ever since I have loved it, so much so that I want it as the song I walk down the aisle to at my wedding. Extreme I know but I want something to remember my mum by."

As I told the story a stray tear rolled down my face. Kian came and sat next to me, wiping it away with his thumb like I had done to my dad just a few weeks earlier. This thought made me cry even more, Kian just put his arms around me and hugged me. His arms felt strong and safe as if they would protect me from any danger that may occur in the next few moments.

"Lola I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked, I never ever wanted to make you cry." Kian said apologetically as he rubbed my back gently trying to soothe me. I wiped the tear away that I felt fall down my cheek before replying "No it's my fault I just go to that song when I miss home, and I do miss home I guess subconsciously." He loosened his grip, and I wiggled out, when I did he looked hurt. I thought I should change the subject as this one was dark and kinda making me want to cry again as I was thinking about my dad.

"So how was your life growing up? Got and girls in your life? Anyone special?" I asked Blushing, trying to dry my face and then rummaging in my bag to find a wipe to fix my mascara and then reapplying my powder. 

He smiled and began to reply. "My childhood was fine I guess kinda average until I started YouTube where I got to meet some amazing people including my amazing girlfriend" My smile went away, I don't know why, I mean I knew he had one, he was bound to, I mean look at him, He's gorgeous! He continued to say" Well Andrea was amazing until she cheated on me with some dickhead and we broke up back in February after 2 years of being together. I used to miss her but now I hate myself for missing her as she hurt me and I still love her, but I don't really think about her that much anymore, I'm finally moving on." 

My smile reappeared but I was trying to conceal it as he was pouring his guts out to me and I was happy his girlfriend broke up with him. "Break ups are hard and they take time to heal Kian, as much as you wish every last memory of her would go away there will always be a part of you holding on. But you will one day find a girl who is so much better than she is and they will love you for you, and only you." I said. 

He smiled and then changed the subject all together "Right enough of soppy hour lets make a video!" "But what kind of video Kian?" I asked intrigued where he was going with this. "Well, this week on O2L it is Music week so we could make a music video for that song you just sung, then we could do your He Said She said thing that you do for your channel." I smiled to myself he watched my videos. "and then we could make our own tag called getting to know you or something?" I smiled "I like those Ideas but where are we going to get the equipment to record the music? Also we need a concept for the music video." I said.

"Right well Trevor has the music equipment so we can just borrow that, I know how it works because I help him record his covers so that sorts that and then I guess we should brainstorm ideas for the video but we should get the boys involved, and I think it should be romantic." He answered most of the questions and smiled his crooked smile at me. My heart was melting, he wanted to do a romantic video. I could feel my face start to get red as I was fangirling in my head.

"Well, I think the video should be, A girl walking her dog when she sees a group of guys, they are all being weird and annoying towards her bar one, he looks up at her and smiles and then she smiles back at him thinking he's hot but I'll never see him again. Then the next day comes and she is in the park and she sees him again, he comes up to talk to her and then he kisses her cheek and leaves. Then on the third day while at the beach playing her guitar she sees him again and this time he has a rose. She sings the second last chorus to him while his friends walk down the beach and see what is going on. The boy sees them and looks annoyed when they start to approach but the girl just taps his arm and leans in for the kiss and the guys friends just clap. Then for the final chorus it should be a flash into the future of them getting married and then the end flashing across the screen." I say realising that I have put way to much thought into the video, but not once did Kian interrupt me, he just smiled and listened carefully

"Wow! That is an amazing Idea but is gonna take more than today to do. But that's OK because I'm free all week. Maybe we should record the song now and then go shopping for props later and then record the video tomorrow?" Kian said softly, he was now beaming from ear to ear. 

"Don't you want to... I don't know tell the boys first as you need them for the video and you need Trevor's recording stuff?" I asked lightly laughing. "Oh yeah! BOYS!!!" Kian shouted right in my ear, but slowly all the boys headed into Kian's bedroom. 

"Right, we need your help with something!" He continued. "Yeah we would appreciate your help, you see we wanted to make a music video for Music week on O2L." I finished part of his sentence when he went on to say "But we need a group of boys to star in it and that's where you guys come in. Oh and we need something to record the cover with so Trevor could we borrow your stuff?" Kian asked 

"I guess so but what song are you doing?" Trevor asked looking confused. "Um..."Um.. Once In a Lifetime, the song I was just singing." I said 

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