Chapter 15 - Stay the Night?

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Chapter 15 - Stay the Night?

I was woken up a couple of hours later to the smell of food. I rolled over to see Kian asleep next to me so crawled out of bed being careful not to wake him. It was about 8 o'clock at night according to my phone, so I grabbed my bag and quietly walked out of Kian's room.

I walked downstairs and was greeted by Ricky, Jc, Sam and Connor who were all eating pizza on the couch while watching something on the TV (I wasn't entirely sure what.) I smiled at them as I headed for the door.

"You want some pizza?" Connor piped up. I turned to face them and they had paused what was on the TV. "We bought extra because we weren't sure if Kian or you wanted some?" I thought about it and went to shake my head but my stomach growled really loudly. 

Connor got up, put his plate on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen. I followed and then sat in the chair at the counter. I opened my bag and found my painkillers and my other pills so I could take them as my head was now starting to sting. 

Connor passed me a plate of pizza and I asked for a glass of water so I could take my medication. He nodded and then handed one over. I took my pills and then went to bite the pizza. "Were you going to leave without saying goodbye to Kian?" Connor asked in almost a whisper.

"Why would that have been bad? I mean we fell asleep and I smelt food so came down to see what you had..." I trailed off. "Kian is a hopeless romantic, Lola, that is your name right?" he asked shyly, when I nodded he continued "He falls quickly and never really thinks about his decisions or the consequences they may have. He is part of the very small percentage of men who actually believes in love at first sight and since he met you he hasn't stopped talking about you. I mean he watched most of your videos in a night." He paused taking a breath. 

Wait he liked me that much, I thought to myself. He actually talks about me to the guys? What does he say? I smiled and Connor clearly noticed "I haven't seen him this happy since Andrea and you don't need to worry about being a rebound to him he doesn't even really know what that means..." I laughed and with that Kian appeared in the kitchen.

I blushed and Connor jus smiled at him handing him some pizza. "Were you talking about me?" Kian asked, I was unsure if he was annoyed or just joking. Connor replied "It was only the good things Kian." and then left to get back to the others and the movie.

I smiled at Kian and he took a seat next to me. I continued to eat my pizza and once I had finished I got up to clean my plate. I saw all the other dirty plates and decided while I was standing I would do them too. I put them into the sink as I poured the soap on top of them. The basin filled up and I began to clean the dishes. I couldn't help it I had OCD and everything needed to be tidy and in its place which meant no dirty dishes. 

Kian laughed a little as he walked round with his now empty plate and put it into the basin with the others. He then slipped his arms around my waist and lightly kissed my neck. This sent sparks running inside me.  I tried not to make any noise but this was kinda turning me on so went back to the dishes trying to ignore the distraction.

He turned me round to face him and by this point I had finished the dishes and just had wet hands. I looked up at him as he leaned down to softly kiss me. I smiled into the kiss as it began to get more passionate, His tongue longed for entrance to my mouth and for once I let him. We were making out in the kitchen, when he picked me up and placed me on the counter, he stood between my legs and continued to kiss me with passion. 

His hands were placed on my hips but one slowly began to travel up towards my breast. My hands were in his hair trying so hard to contain myself but this was getting very heated. I thought about ripping his shirt off there and then but realised there was a huge chance we could be walked in on any moment. 

That's when I pulled away. I looked down and into his eyes and I could tell he was longing for more, but I didn't want things to go so quickly, they needed to slow down as a week wasn't long enough for me to sleep with someone even if I did think I loved them.

I gently kissed his soft lips one last time before climbing off the counter. "You can't honestly, make out with me and then leave me hanging like that." Kian joked. I laughed lightly because I regretted it myself but I promised Will I would take things slow. 

I Dried the remaining wetness of my hands and then went over and held his hand. "Sorry but I promised Will and Myself I would slow things down." He kissed my forehead and smiled, "I understand, I'm sorry I shouldn't be rushing you we have plenty of time, but would you like to stay the night here? Just to sleep nothing more..." He said trying to reassure me that he wasn't going to pressure me into anything I wasn't ready for. 

"I would like to stay here with you as it's lonely at mine but I have nothing to wear..." I trailed off. "I could lend you one of my t-shirts I'm sure it will be like a nighty on you anyway?" he said, dragging me out of the kitchen, I quickly grabbed my bag as we walked past the others back upstairs. They all laughed at a comment Sam said but I couldn't quite make out.

We walked back into Kian's room as he handed me one of his t-shirts, "Thanks" I said quietly as I place my bag down on the floor. CRAP! The vlog!! I had forgotten about the vlog... "Kian I haven't vlogged since the Doctors, I have no content or anything to edit on." I pouted. "Well, I can finish editing this video and post it for you and then put in the description that my video will be out sometime soon it got delayed due to technical issues?" He winked at me "What you actually mean is we got distracted, we watched a movie, argued and made out on the floor?" I laughed. 

"Well, I could write that if you want but war may break out so I won't. Go get changed and we can sort it out." He laughed. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked shyly, I wasn't ready to strip yet in front of him, because I knew that would most likely lead to sex.

"Down the corridor on the left" He smiled as I left the room to get changed, bag in hand. Luckily I carry spare underwear and a toothbrush with me just incase of emergencies such as this one. I got changed, cleaned my teeth and tied my hair up in a bun and then walked out of the bathroom. Kian was right his t-shirt was like a nighty on me but I wasn't that much shorter than him.

I walked back into his room and saw that he had finished editing the video. We decided to upload it as I couldn't be bothered to vlog anymore and we would just use the technical problems bit in the description. I would add the doctors and part of tomorrow onto tomorrows vlog and it would all be fine.

I sat on Kian's lap as he began to edit his own video for O2L (Our Second Life) the one that would be up the following week due to the music video going up this week. I don't know why but it felt comforting to be on his lap watching him work, seeing his little facial expressions when he was frustrated or concentrating. 

My butt began to go to sleep though so I moved onto his bed and he soon followed suit. We laid there for a few minutes just looking at each other not saying anything, and it was weird how well I thought I knew him even if it was only for a week. I smiled at him and he moved, He grabbed some Pj bottoms and began to just strip in front of me.

I laughed as I was trying not to cringe. How could he just strip to his underwear in front of a girl without even blushing? His body was pretty amazing to look at though, his beautifully sculpted torso. I was trying not to swoon but he all of a sudden left and my trail of thought was cut off. I'm guessing he went to brush his teeth and within a few minutes he was back. 

He climbed into bed, as did I snuggling into him. I placed my head on his chest as I lightly placed a hand there also. He pulled me close as he wrapped his arms around me. I had no worries here with him, being in his arms I felt safe. I din't care what time it was or that my phone was lost in a pile of clothes on the floor, I just wanted to stay here with him.

He kissed my forehead before whispering Goodnight to me and then I dosed off. For the first time in a long time at a reasonable hour and without any problem.

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