The abduction.

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first Vampire Harry fic! So, please comment and vote if you like it and want more! Thank you so much for reading!


My name is Katerina Davis, but I like to be called Kat. Katerina never really stuck with me. I moved from America to the UK a few months back. Still not really getting used to the place. Everything seemed so confusing. 

I wanted to come here ever since I was younger. I lived in the same state, same town, my whole life. I knew I'd never be satisfied by just moving to another state. So, I decided to change the country. Leaving my whole family behind, along with the few friends I had left after high school, I wanted to make a new start.

So the day after my 19th birthday, I found myself here. In a quaint area known as Chesire. It's small, yet it actually had a lot going on. It had smaller shops, with wide varieties of goods, churches, parks, even a small bakery. It was better than the town I used to live in back at home. 

Being the terrified of the new driving rules here, and the fact that the driver's side is on the completely opposite side of the car. I decided I'd walk or take a taxi to my destinations. 

I found myself soon finding a job at the local bakery, everyone would constantly tease, and talk about my quote "Out of this world" accent. Which I didn't know what they were talking about, I didn't have an accent. I sounded fine. 

"Oh, what beautiful big brown eyes" They'd say. "Is your hair naturally curly?" They'd ask. "Is your hair naturally that brown?" I'd get the same remaining questions everyday. From my co-workers, to the customers. 

There really wasn't anything fake about me, everything was pretty much all natural on me, and mostly pretty bland now that I think about it. I was only 5'3, I was a curvier girl, definately not a size 3, I wore minimal makeup, and I mostly dressed in tshirts and jeans. I seemed pretty average, except for here, because of my supposed "accent". Even back at home, while I was in school, I was actually the girl everyone would over look. Below average looks, not very many guys talked to me, and if they did, it would be them telling me to get out of the way, or they just wanted me to do something for them. 

I know, sob sob, cry cry. But, that's about all I have to say on the subject. 

Once I got off my shift at the bakery, I grabbed my coat, and made my way outside before saying goodbye to some of the older ladies. The sky was the darkest gray I had ever seen, the ground was wet, and people hurried to get home. I wondered why? I seemed to be the only person around here who actually didn't seem to mind a bit of rain. 

After I got a cab, and made my way home to my small flat, I watched as the rain lightly pattered against my window pane. I smiled and put back on my jacket after grabbing a bite to eat, and headed out the door for a small walk, grabbing my keys and locking the door behind me. 

This place looked straight off of the movie twilight. Ha. Twilight. But no, really. Not in town it didn't, but where I lived, there was some kind of a sea of trees behind my building, and the sky never seemed to change from the usual grey. 

I put my hands in my pockets, and made my way through the tight knit forest. Smelling the pines, and damp wood as I walked over twigs and tree trunks. Soaking my knock off light grey "ugg" boots. I didn't seem to mind though, as my mind played a simple symphony, and I found my short legs carrying up the large hill. 

My eyes scanned around, and I found myself in a completely bare field right in the middle of all the trees. I took in the sights and smiled, my legs still carrying on the way. I didn't know how far back this went out, but I knew for a fact I was going to find out. 

I found a huge tree trunk and decided to sit down for a bit to take a breath as I took in all the sights. The air was beginning to get more chilled now. I looked up at the sky, and noticed the sky was a slight shade darker than before, signalling it was getting later and later in the day. 

I took out my black Iphone, and clicked the button at the top lighting up the screen, showing the time. "7:45" I said and sighed. "I better get back." I slid the phone back into my coat pocket and stood up as I made my way back through the woods. 

I didn't seem to get far when I heard the sound of crackling twigs behind me, signalling I wasn't alone. Or was I just hearing things?

I slowly turned around as my darkened eyebrows furrowed, scanning the full area. Nothing. I began to shrug it off, and began to walk again, when I heard the familiar noise, only, it sounded much closer. 

I didn't even turn back this time, I decided to run. Now, granted I'm not the fastest runner, considering how I never work out, and how freaking short I am. But I still wanted to do anything to make it out of there. 

The fast paced movement behind me began to pick up. I ran a bit more and stopped and looked around. Fear clearly taking over my face, my breathing was incredibly heaving, making it visible through the chilled air. And I could swear my heart was about to burst through my chest. 

"W-Who's there?!" I said, still scanning the area as my back hit the trunk of a tree. 

"I said who's there?!" I said once more, this time a bit more anger in my voice. 

I deep, low chuckle came from behind all the trees. Making me regret even saying a word. I felt hot tears began to puddle under my eyelids as I continued to look around. 

All of a sudden, I saw a pair of red eyes watching me in the distance. I screamed as loud as I could as I turned back around and began to run back to my flat, that was. Until I tripped while I was running down the hill, causing me to turn, and tumble down. I remember feeling something thump my head as I landed, then next thing I knew, everything went black. 

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