Running out of breath but I got stamina.

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Song: The Greatest // Sia (feat. Kendrick Lamar)

Bellamy's POV

I left my tent shortly after Raven did, feeling annoyed and almost...guilty? But I don't know why I should feel guilty. Raven and Finn weren't together, that's the whole reason she had come to my tent in the first place, and it's not like I was seeing anyone. So why did I feel so shitty? I stormed through the camp, not sure who or what I was angry at. I almost ran over Monty as he was walking towards the drop ship. 

"Whoa, Bellamy, you ok?" he asked.

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that." I turned to keep walking.

"Hey the hunters are all back," he started to say. I had the feeling there was an end to that sentence. One that I wasn't going to like.

"Who's missing?" I growled, immediately thinking of Nessa. I knew I shouldn't have let her go with them. Or I should have gone with her. 

Monty sensed my anger and tried to act like it wasn't a big deal. "Oh, uh, it's just Miles... and Clarke and Finn...and, uh, Nessa, too." He said the last part very quickly as if I might miss it. "I'm sure they're fine though, Nessa can take care of herself," he started to explain. I wasn't listening anymore. There was a pounding in my ears. I had been with Raven while Nessa was out there with the Grounders. And now she was missing. The thought of her against the Grounder army made me want to throw up. I could still hear Monty talking, but it was as if he was 100 yards away.

"Bellamy, hey, Bellamy? I'm sure they're fine. Really," Monty stammered. Suddenly, we heard shouts from outside the gate.

"Help! Someone help, please!" My heart almost stopped. It was a girl's voice. Faint, but I thought I recognized it. Nessa. I sprinted to the gates and wrenched them open. About ten feet from the entrance, a small figure lay crumpled on the ground. Even from here I could see the red hair, the blood caked on her face.



Nessa's POV

I heard someone faintly shouting my name. I tried to respond, but my tongue felt like lead. My head was pounding where the Grounder had hit me, and my legs had collapsed after sprinting all the way back to camp. I lifted my head and saw someone running towards me. Bellamy. I almost laughed. Who knew I'd ever be so happy to see him. He ran up and crouched down next to me.

"Nessa? Nessa, it's Bellamy. Are you ok? What happened?" his voice sounded almost raw, like he had been crying. He brushed my matted hair back from my forehead and looked at me, his brown eyes filled with emotion. He gently put an arm under my neck and my knees and lifted me up before walking back to camp. The amount of times Bellamy had carried me since we got here was verging on ridiculous. But I couldn't worry about that now. I had to tell him, had to save them. 

"Clarke....and Finn..." I started to say. Even talking hurt, from when the damn Grounder had tried to strangle me. 

"Shh, it's ok. We'll find them. Just don't talk. Try to stay with me," Bellamy whispered soothingly. 

He wasn't understanding. "No, Bellamy...The-the Grounders....they have them. They killed...M-Miles. I...escaped," I rasped out. "You, you have to"

Bellamy looked down at me, almost in surprise. "How did you escape the Grounders?"

"I killed them," I answered. I heard his sharp intake of breath. I was almost offended that he was so surprised I'd be able to kill a Grounder. But he was missing the point. Clarke and Finn could already be dead, they needed to go now! "Bell-, you need to Need to save...them."

"Okay, sweetheart, we will. We just need to make sure you're okay first," he responded. He laid me down on something soft. My vision was so blurry I had no idea where I was. "Where are you hurt? Is this all your blood?"

"No. Most of it's...the Grounders." My eyelids were beginning to droop in exhaustion. "My head...that's the only...thing," I breathed. I was fighting a losing battle here, trying to stay awake. I felt someone grab my hand.

"Hey, Nessa, you're ok. I'm right here. Don't fall asleep," Bellamy commanded.

"Always so...bossy," I smiled. I heard a small chuckle.

"Only you would try and be funny at a time like this," he said. 

"What can I say," I whispered. "You" And with that everything went black.


Bellamy's POV

I stared at her, covered in blood and dirt, lying there as if dead. Only the slight rise and fall of her chest gave her away. She had said most of it wasn't her blood, but when I had first seen her there outside the gates...

I had never felt anything like it. In that split second, I thought she was dead. Or dying. She still could be, for that matter. All I knew was that if she died, I couldn't go on. It was different from what I felt when I thought about losing Octavia. Something different entirely. And it scared the hell out of me. 

I watched her for a few more minutes before I remembered what she had said. Clarke and Finn had been captured by the Grounders. We had to find them before it was too late. But I couldn't leave Nessa alone like this. What if she got worse? 

"Hey, Bell, I heard-" Octavia entered the tent and stopped at the sight of Nessa. "Oh my god, is she okay? What happened?" I still stared at the sleeping girl in front of me. Octavia put a hand on my shoulder. "Bell?"

I turned to her, snapped out of my reverie. To my surprise, I could feel a tear sliding down my cheek. I wiped it away and cleared my throat. "Yeah, uh, she's fine. Just got hit in the head by a Grounder, I think she's just exhausted from running back here," I answered. "But she said the Grounders have Finn and Clarke. We have to go look for them, but-" I trailed off, my eyes traveling back to Nessa.

Octavia put a hand on my arm. "It's ok, big brother. Go, I'll watch her. She'll be fine."

I almost slumped in relief. "Thank you," I breathed. I kissed Octavia's forehead. Then, turning to the bed, I did the same to Nessa.

"You're going to be ok. You're a fighter," I whispered to her before walking out of the tent. 

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