Chapter 38

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"..When Rehaan told me about that girl, I couldn't help but be worried. I trust Rehaan, I really do but I don't trust that girl. I know Rehaan would never cheat on me but I'm scared. Scared that he would choose her over me. And I really like Rehaan and I don't want to lose him." I said worriedly to Nidhi.

" Yea she doesn't sound great but look, everybody can see how much you guys like each other. Rehaan really likes you and the kid sucks at hiding his affections for you. I don't think this is something you should break your head about." She assured me.

"Ahana, do you think you love him?" she said softly. "I think I'm getting there Nidhi. I'm not far behind." I replied in an equally soft tone.

" I can see that. And I think Rehaan loves you too." She said sincerely.

What? Does he? "Really?" I asked her, hopefully.

"Most definitely." She replied immediately.

I smiled widely. "Do you want to Google her?" Nidhi asked.

"Google who?" I asked. She rolled her eyes, sighed and said "Ahana, child. I'm talking about Bethany."


"Right. Yea okay." I said. I really don't think she's that famous. Or maybe I'm hoping that she isn't that famous.

"Oh look!" Nidhi exclaimed. I looked at the laptop and saw a young, slim, tall, beautiful girl on the screen. That was Bethany. Why did she have to be that good looking?!

"She's the daughter of James Lloyd, the business tycoon. They own a petroleum industry. Wow. They're freaking rich." Nidhi said.

Rehaan is rich too. Two rich people end up together.

I groan. "Rehaan will so not go for her Ahana. Look at this." She said.

I looked at the computer screen and saw this news about her. The title read ' Caught smoking, Beths also finds a new companion!' I frowned and read further.

After I read the article, I was disgusted as well as relieved. Out of all the time I have spent with Rehaan, I know for sure that he would never like her, let on get together with her.

The article said she was smoking what looked like Marijuana which is illegal here and also, she was caught kissing and feeling up a man who wasn't her boyfriend of that time. And this was the fourth guy she was caught being intimate with in public in that month.

"Wow. She's horrible." I said.

"Yea. See? Rehaan would never choose her. And there's no one to 'choose' Ahana. He likes you. No one else. And the best part is that this isn't the only article about her. There are thousands and I'm not even exaggerating." She said.

I nodded. "But Nidhi, I feel like Rehaan is her new target and she's not going to let go of him any time soon." I said.

" Maybe. But she won't get him. Because both Rehaan and you are not going to let her. You shouldn't be intimidated by her okay? I bet she's just another stupid slut." Nidhi said.

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