Chapter 20

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Ahana's P.O.V

Today's the day. What's today you ask? Today is the day that I will be officially going out on my first date.

I'm so excited! It was 3 in the evening. I need to start getting ready! Where's Nidhi?! She was supposed to be here half an hour ago. I grabbed my phone and called her. I heard the familiar song, I'll be there for you from Friends play.

She cut the call! She cut MY call!

I called her again. She never cuts my call. Okay maybe she does but she sends me a message after she cuts the call. She didn't even do that this time! Okay maybe I didn't let her text because I kept calling. But still!

It's my FIRST date! She's supposed to help me. Just as I was about to call her again, my door bursts open.

"Calm it down woman! I'm here! My car ran out of fuel and I had to get to the petrol station and then come here. That's why I'm a little late." She explained nonchalantly.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Nidhi.. You're 45 minutes late. I don't think that's 'little'. I'm pretty sure there's more to your story." I said.

She huffed, "I'll explain later. Right now, we should concentrate on you. And you idiot, you haven't even bathed yet! Go!"

I put my hands up in surrender and said "I'm going! I'm going! Jeez, I was just waiting for you."

"Well I'm here so shoo!" she said with her hands on her hips. I nodded at went to have my shower.

I came out of the bathroom and saw Nidhi speaking to mum. They both see me and smile. "Your mum was asking what you were going to wear for the date and I told her to ask you directly." Nidhi said, smiling cheekily.

I glared at her. "Yea beta (daughter) what are you going to wear?" mum asked me.

"Uhh" What do I say? Show her the dress and tell her Rehaan gifted it to me?

"Actually Mrs Chauhan, It's a surprise. So you'll only get to see the dress when she wears it. So bye!" Nidhi told my mum. I shook my head. Of course Nidhi would come up with this!

My mum shook her head and walked out mumbling how we were crazy. Nidhi and I laughed when she said that.

"Okay so let's start with my masterpiece" Nidhi said looking too excited for my liking. "You are over doing anything okay?" I sternly told her.

"When have I ever over done anything?" she asked. "Um I don't know, all the time?" I ask her smugly. She hits my shoulder and said, "Do you want me to help you or not?" "Yes I do." I answered. "Then you shall do as I say." Nidhi commanded. I sighed and agreed. Not like I had any other choice anyway.

"So first make up. Natural-ish right?" she asked. "Yep!" I applied my usual moisturizer and added a little blush to my cheeks. Nidhi applied mascara and a dark coat of eye liner.

"Okay now that was easy. It's such a benefit when you're naturally pretty!" she said. "Look who's talking! You're gorgeous!" I complimented.

"Oh stop it! You're embarrassing me!" she said jokingly, patting my shoulder. I laughed. "Now wear the dress. And then we'll do the hair." She stated.


I put on the dress and looked into the mirror. One thing I know, I didn't look bad. "You look freaking awesome!" Nidhi exclaimed. I smiled at her. I did look good. I felt satisfied with myself completely for the very first time.

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