Chapter 48

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Rehaan's P.O.V

Dad and I finished all the paper work and the nurse said it would take exactly an hour for Ahana to be discharged. Honestly, one hour seems too much. I can't wait. I'm currently in Ahana's room, helping her and her mother pack her bags. "Rehaan?" I heard the sweetest voice say. "Yes?" She motioned me to come towards her and patted her bed, asking me to sit there. I went towards her and sat on her bed. Her mother just went out to find Ahana's father. "What is it baby?" I asked her, caressing her hair. "When's our wedding?" she asked shyly. "Whoa whoa. You haven't yet recovered completely and you're already thinking about marriage," I teased. A tinge of red highlighted her cheeks. "I wa-was just.." she stammered. I chuckled, "Babe, calm down. I was just teasing. We have decided to postpone the wedding." I said. She looked up at me and said, "To when?" "Not sure about the date but probably after 2 months." Her eyes widened and she looked down. She seemed sad.

 "Hey" I said softly and put my hand to her chin and made her look at me. "What's wrong?" I asked. Her eyes were sad. She shook her head indicating nothing was wrong but I knew that was a lie. "I know I'm very lovable and you want to marry me as soon as possible and everything but babe, maybe we should give your body a little time to heal," I said, making light of the situation. She rolled her eyes and smiled a bit but it wasn't what I was hoping for so I thought I'll take it further. "Cause you know, once you're ready, we know.. do stuff," I whispered and kissed her cheek. Her eyes widened and she gasped and the area I kissed turned pink. It was so adorable when she blushes. 

"Rehaan!" she sort of whisper yelled. "Yea so that's why we postponed our wedding," I explained. She looked at me with sad eyes. But her eyes also held admiration and love. "It's all because of me, isn't it?" she said softly. "I caused so much trouble," she added and a tear slipped down her cheek. It broke my heart to see her so sad and vulnerable.

 I had an immediate instinct to just hug and protect her. So I did. I hugged her and then pulled away halfway and looked into her eyes and said, "You listen to me and you listen good. We aren't having this conversation after this. You are not the cause of any of this. If at all, we have to blame someone it's Bethany and I. None of this is your fault. In fact I brought you into this and I can't apologize enough," I said. I meant every single word I said and I really hope she knows that too. "Rehaan, it's not your fault," she whispered sternly. "Then it isn't yours either," I said. She smiled at me and took me by surprise by hugging me tightly. "I love you," she said softly. Just three words. They made my day. I felt like the luckiest person ever. "I love you too. So much," I said.

 I could feel her smiling against my shoulder. Just then we heard the door open and a familiar, annoying voice speak. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Actually I'm not... You should be. It's a hospital for god's sake. Be a little shameful, " Biren said. I rolled my eyes. I hadn't moved away from Ahana because I was scared I might end up hurting her if I hastily moved. Biren welcomed himself in and behind him Nidhi followed. What is up with them? Always together. I made a mental note to ask Biren that later.

"Hello Bhaabi," Biren said to Ahana and kissed her hand. Ahana blushed while I smacked Biren on his head. "AAah! Bhaabi! Tell your pati (husband) to stop harassing your favourite devar (brother-in-law)," he said dramatically and ran around. I rolled my eyes at his childishness while Ahana laughed. "Aye! What favourite devar! I'm her only devar!" Sanjog said while coming into the room. "Bhaabi, Aisha and Aryan apologize for not coming. They wanted to clean the house before you came," Sanjog said.

"That's alright. Also, don't call me bhaabi, just Ahana," Ahana said. "Why not? You're my brother's fiancée. I can call you bhaabi," he said. "I'm not your bhaabi," Ahana said softly. "Yet,"I added loudly so that everyone could hear. Ahana's cheeks involuntarily turned red and everybody in the room laughed, whistled and teased both of us. My dad then came in with the nurse and said, "Ahana, ready to go? We can leave now," "Oh I need to just change," Ahana said happily, knowing she doesn't have to stay in the hospital any longer. "Okay Aunty and I will help her change, Biren go get her medicines, Sanjog you get the car ready and Rehaan, wait outside okay?" Nidhi instructed. We all nodded and left. I went to her before leaving and said, "Your parents gave me permission to stay with you till you get better. Just thought you should know," I said and winked at her and left the room. I could see her shocked expression and chuckled to myself. She's so cute.

Eventually, everyone was ready and we wheeled Ahana, much to her dismay, to the car. Sanjog drove while Nidhi and Biren sat together and I sat at the back with Ahana. Since it was an Ertiga, we could all fit comfortably. The elders followed behind with my dad driving. I was going to take of care of her and when the time is right, I'll marry her and settle down with her. I joined our hands together and gave her a comforting smile. She looked at me and smiled back and squeezed my hand. Life would get better soon. I know it.


Author's Note

Hello. I'm sorry for updating so late.

I had been pretty sick for half the month and the other half, I had too much academic work to do.

I hope you like this chapter and those of y'all who have stuck by me since the beginning, THANKS A TON.


Lots of love,


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