Chapter 9

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"Missing?" You repeated. Rogue nodded. "What do you mean 'he's missing'?" You asked.

"I mean, nobody has seen him for days." Rogue explained. "He just went home one day and we haven't seen him since."

"Okay?" You raised an eyebrow. "So, why did you come here?"

"I came looking for you." He replied bluntly.


Rogue nodded. "I figured since Sting has a soft spot for you, you could bring him to his sanity. That is, if he just ran away. I-I don't know what happened to him."

You narrowed your eyes at the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

"Not interested." You said with a straight face.

"What!?" Rogue's eyes widened. "But we have to find Sting! He could have been captured or he might just be sulking, knowing him. But we have to find him!"

"No," You shook your head, "you have to find him."


"Just use your nose to find him." You sighed.

"You have to come too."

"No, I-"

A hand suddenly covered your mouth. "She'll be glad to go." Erza said. "I'll also go as well."

"Me too!" Natsu grinned.

"I'm coming too!" Lucy agreed.

"I-I want to come too!" Wendy squeaked.

"Guess I'll go." Gray groaned.

"Juvia wants to go wherever Gray-sama goes!" Juvia exclaimed

Do I even get a say in this? You were becoming irritated. You just wanted to stay in Magnolia and wait for Laxus to return. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently, so.

You grumbled to yourself as Erza gripped your wrist tight and dragged you along with the rest of the group.

"I can't believe they're making me go against my will." You grumbled. "If I get killed, I'm haunting all of them for eternity."

"Stop complaining, (Y/N)." Erza scolded.

"Tch, you're not my mom." You sassed her under your breath.

"Rogue-san, where exactly are we going?" Wendy asked.

"I'm tracing Sting's scent." Rogue explained, "If he just ran off somewhere, we'll find him. But if he was taken, I'll at least find where he was before he disappeared."

"For his sake, he better have been kidnapped." You grumbled some more.

"(Y/N), that's rude!" Erza scolded again.

"Erza, we aren't kids anymore." You rolled your eyes, "Stop acting like a mom."

"Stop acting like a child." She replied quickly.

"What did you just say?" You growled, slamming your head against hers. A dark aura came from you.

"I though I made myself perfectly clear." Erza growled back, a dark aura coming from her as well. "Stop acting like a child. Can you not hear? You should get your ears cleaned!" She pushed her head against yours.

"Woah!" Natsu stared at the two of you in awe. "I haven't seen them fight in ages!"

"You're encouraging this!?" Lucy exclaimed. Then she immediately sighed, realizing who she was talking to. "Of course, you are."

"Um," Rogue spoke up. "you two can fight later. We have to find Sting."

Erza stopped glaring at you and sighed, leaning away from you. "You're right, Rogue. Finding Sting is our top priority."

You groaned obnoxiously loud while rolling your eyes. As Rogue continued walking, you followed him.

"Aww!" Natsu whined, "They aren't gonna fight?"

"C'mon, Natsu." Happy said, tugging on his friend's sleeve.

It was Natsu's turn to grumble to himself.

After thirty minutes of walking, Rogue finally stopped. "Sting's scent ends here." He said.

You were in the heart of a forest that was just outside Magnolia. And the forest was completely silent. No animals. No nothing.

Nothing was suspicious about this place. In fact, this would be a great place to come to think. However, this would also be a perfect place for kidnapping.

No whitnesses to see the whole thing. Swift and easy.

"Look!" Lucy pointed at the ground, which had footprints in the dirt. "Maybe they're from whoever took Sting!"

The group nodded, except you, and followed the footprints.

Whoever these kidnappers were, they were pretty stupid. The footprints led straight to, what appeared to be, an abandoned cabin.

"What if this is a trap?" Phoebe asked.

"We won't know until we . . ." Natsu said, walking up to the front door and kicking it off its hinges.

"Natsu!?" Lucy stared at the male, shocked by his stupidity.

"Natsu, you idiot!" Gray shouted.

"What were you thinking?" Erza growled, glaring at him.

"That's his problem," You sighed, "he doesn't think."

"Well, don't just stand there!" Natsu grinned, unaffected by everyone's glared. "C'mon!"

He immediately ran inside the cabin, giving you all no choice but to follow him.

"I can smell him!" Natsu declared, running down the hallway. You could smell Sting too, but you could also smell blood.

And lots of it.

At the end of the hall, there was a single room. One in which Natsu kicked down.

The room was dark, only lightened by the ray of sunlight that was beaming through the window. There was several clear buckets all over the room that were filled with . . . blood? A woman stood in the center of the room, her back facing you.

"Hmm?" She hummed. She stepped aside, turning to face the group.

When she stepped aside, your eyes widened as you saw Sting sitting in a chair. His arms and legs were tied tightly to the chair, so tight that around the around that area, his skin was turning purple. His mouth was gagged, but he was still conscious.

You were the first person he noticed. He was both relieved and embarrassed to see you. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were glossed with tears. In front of his right leg was another bucket that was in the process of collecting blood from Sting.

The blond had open wounds on his abdomen, chest, and thighs. Blood trickled down his right leg into the bucket.

"Sting . . ." Rogue gasped, at a loss for words.

"Oh?" The unknown woman spoke up. "Are you here to rescue him?"

"Yeah," Natsu confirmed, his fists lighting up with fire. "and I'm gonna burn you to a crisp too!"

"Are you sure?" You could tell she was smirking.

"Wait a minute . ." Natsu mumbled before his eyes widened.

"Impossible!" Rogue's eyes widened as well.

Wendy had her hands over her mouth, her body shaking as tears threatened to flow.

"Guys, what's wrong?" Lucy asked, "Y-You're kind of scaring me."

Since only the Dragon Slayers seemed to know what was going on, you used your senses. You sniffed the air and your eyes widened too.

"What the-!" You gasped.

"What is it, (Y/N)?" Your exceed asked, looking up at you.

"H-Her smell . . ." You stuttered. You recognized that scent. How could you not know it?

Walking out of the dark part of the room, the woman allowed her face to be visible. Erza, Lucy, Juvia, Gray, and the exceeds gasped.

This unknown, mysterious woman . . . . was you.

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now