Chapter 12

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Sting hung his head, hiding his face from view. The sight of you kissing Laxus sent a bullet through his heart.

It shouldn't bother him; after all, you're not his girlfriend. You're Laxus' girlfriend. But these feelings of his were deep and strong, and he wishes to whatever ancient being who was listening that he could either stop or control them.

At first, it was merely lust, but now Sting genuinely cares about you.

And you had made it perfectly clear that you did not return his love. He knew you wouldn't, but the reality of it still hurt.

Sting felt tears that were seconds away from leaving his eyes. To avoid anyone witnessing him cry, he squeezed his eyes shut, gritted his teeth, and dashed out of Fairy Tail.

"Sting!" Natsu called out to the blond.

"Sting-kun!" Lector shouted in concern.

Sting couldn't hear them since he was long gone to who-knows-where.

Rogue growled, knowing that Sting was highly upset and heartbroken. He stood abruptly from his seat at the bar and walked silently over to where you were sitting.

"Seriously, (Y/N)!?" The Shadow Dragon Slayer growled.

You released a light moan before pulling away from Laxus who growled in annoyance, obviously not wanting to stop, cutting his eyes at Rogue and glaring at him.

"What?" You asked, slightly annoyed with the interruption.

"I get it if you don't return Sting's feelings, that's fine, but at least show some respect and curtiousness toward him!" Rogue growled again, raising his voice a little.

"What are you talking about?" You grunted.

"Sting just ran out of here after watching you make out with Laxus! Do you have any idea how he must feel? Couldn't you have done that at home or anywhere other than here?"

You remained quiet, not having a good enough comeback for that. You could have went to either yours or Laxus' place, but when your boyfriend walked through the guild doors, you were just so happy to see him.

You pratically leaped into his arms.

A small wave of guilt bubbled up in your gut. You bit your lip and looked down, staring into your lap.

From the corner of his eye, Laxus saw your ashamed look. He decided to speak on your behalf.

"She didn't do anything wrong." The muscly blond stated, still glaring at Rogue. "She's not dating him, she's dating me. Don't try to make it seem like she's the bad guy."

"She should still apologize." Rogue held his ground, matching Laxus' glare. "She hurt Sting's feelings."

"Tell Sting to get real and face the facts."

"Tell (Y/N) to be responsible for her actions."


"Stop it, Laxus." You commanded in a quiet and, almost shy, voice.

Laxus looked over his shoulder at you, surprised by your actions. "(Y/N), you don't have to-"

"It's ok." You interrupted him. "Let's just go."

Laxus stared at you for a second before his eyebrows furrowed together. He was silently asking you: are you sure?

"If you're not going to leave, I'll just go by myself." You said, somewhat irritated.

Laxus looked surprised at first, but that expression quickly faded. A small smile appeared on his face. "Well, okay." He said, letting out a small chuckle.

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now