Mini Side Story (AU): A Thousand Years (Sting x Reader)

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This is part two to "I'll Always Remember You."


Two Years Later . . .

The snow crunched beneath your feet as you walked down a familiar street. You were back in town for the winter holidays and just like the past two winters, you were hoping to see your high school friends again.

You didn't see them last year or the year before despite the fact that you were in town. Honestly, you were losing hope.

You were now a junior at Edolas University, studying (P/M)* with a minor in (M/N)**. As you anticipated, your connection with your high school friends was short-lived.

A group chat was set up with Sting as the owner and for the first five weeks it was active. However, your lives took off -- Orga had to leave to go to boot camp, Minerva was working two part time jobs, Rufus was hired as a student intern to a publishing company, Yukino was working full time at her family's day care, Rogue had managed to get his first piece of poetry published in a magazine (and as promised, you read it), and Sting had to leave because his university was out of state.

Occasionally, when it was someone's birthday, the group chat would be slightly active with warm birthday wishes. But that was all.

It wasn't like you didn't make new friends in college, but nobody can replace the original squad.

You heard bells ringing as you walked by two Salvation Army Santas. You sighed, your breath visible in the freezing night air.

You were starting to head home when your phone vibrated. You reached into your pocket and pulled it out, seeing a message in the group chat.

You unlocked your phone to view the entirety of it.

Yukino: If anyone's in town, come by the day care. My parents are letting me use it overnight for a small party

Yukino: That is, if anybody comes 😅

A shred of happiness filled your heart after you read Yukino's message. You hadn't seen her in two years, so there was definitely no way you were not going to hang out with her tonight.

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer

You changed direction, texting back in the group chat that you would be there.

You marched your way through town in the cold. The wind didn't help either since it made the temperature seem lower than what it was, but all that mattered to you was that you were going to see Yukino again.

Even if it was only one friend, it still made you happy because you missed them all. However, you knew you couldn't fool yourself.

You wanted to see Sting above everyone else.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

You weren't the only one longing to see someone. Sting too was wishing he could see you. He had a picture of you two at your senior prom framed and it stayed by his bedside in his dorm room.

He smiled every time he looked at it.

"Just wait a little longer, (Y/N)." He would always say that to the picture. It was his way of talking to you. Granted, he could always dial your cell number, but because of his field of study, he had countless amounts of work to be done.

But he was working hard. Rogue would never believe how hard the blond was working since his attention span never stayed on one thing too long.

He was doing it for you.

In his mind, if he worked hard and fast enough, he could graduate on time (or perhaps even early). And if he finished his undergraduate schooling, he could go back and see you.

At least, until he either went to work or decided to continue his education.

But at that time, he planned to take you with him. The separation that you two thought you could handle was so much more difficult than expected.

He was never going to leave you again.

He would never let you go.

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer

As you got closer and closer to the day care, you imagined what the reunion would be like.

How much has Yukino changed? Did she grow any taller? Is she dating someone? Did she let her hair grow out? Has she heard from the others over the past two years?

One would say you are excited, but that's an understatement. You waited two years -- after two long years -- you finally get to at least see Yukino, if not anybody else.

Though, you'd be the happiest girl in the world if you could at least hear Sting's voice.

Perhaps you would try calling him tonight.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

You could see it clearly now: The Aguria Day Care Center.

You walked, one step at a time, toward the building as your heart pounded in your chest, dancing with happiness.

One step closer
One step closer

You reached the front door and pulled it open, the bell ringing which signaled that someone was entering.

But you surely didn't expect what you saw once you were inside.

Standing in a group circle, though they had turned to see who came inside, was all of your friends: Yukino, Orga, Rufus, Minerva, Rogue, and Sting.

Tears filled your eyes as you saw them. They all looked exactly the same, just slightly older (with the exception of Orga who had to cut his hair upon joining the Army).

"Well don't just stand there." Sting teased, watching your shocked and surprised state. "Don't I get a hug?"

In an instant you were in front of Sting, wrapping your arms around his neck and crying into his shirt.

"There, there." He patted your head, smiling down at you (though you couldn't see it).

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

You finally stopped crying and backed away from him only to find him giving you his signature smile.

What he said next made your heart overflow with joy.

"I told you we'd see each other again."


* (P/M) = Primary Major

** (M/N) = Minor Name

Song: "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now