Chapter 49

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Readers' P.O.V.:

My heart hammered in my chest as I pushed it to its limit. My legs screamed for me to stop, but I didn't listen -- I kept running.

I was thankful that there was a breeze today because it was the one thing that was cooling me down as I produced buckets of sweat.

I don't even remember why I'm running in the first place. Everything that happened today is a blur.

I do, however, know that I have this strong urge to run because I have to save them.

But who is "them?"

And wait--

What happened to Magnolia?

I can't believe that I'm fully aware of this now, but as I look around me I notice debris and burning buildings. There's so much smoke in the air that it's completely unhealthy; there's visible air pollution.

I don't see a single person around, but I see several buildings that have collapsed to the ground.

It's like a war happened and I don't remember a single second of it.

My focus shifts to finding my friends -- Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow, Phoebe, Laxus.

I just need to know that they're okay!

It's in that moment that I start to make out a silhouette in midst of the heavy smoke.

I ran towards the faint silhouette, which became clearer as I got closer. My body screamed for a break -- for relief. I knew I was pushing myself too hard, but for some reason I felt like I had to get here as fast as I could.

I was finally close enough to this mysterious person to see two other silhouettes. These two new people appeared to be sitting down.

And is that a cliff?

I finally stopped running, coming to a halt as I saw that I had practically ran to the edge of a cliff.

I was a few feet behind the standing silhouette (back was facing me) and in front of the two sitting silhouettes (were facing me, but their heads appeared to be hung low as if they were asleep).

My chest rose and fell as my heart worked tirelessly to keep my body going. My legs, who previously were screaming for relief, shook from the initial shock of my sudden stop.

As if sensing my presence, the standing silhouette slowly turned around to face me.

"About time, (Y/N). I was starting to wonder if you'd just let these boys die."

I couldn't see a face, but by the deep sound of the voice, I knew this person was a man. He had a hood which hid his face well.

"Who are you?" I asked. I still had no idea what was going on and I was very confused.

"Amnesia, huh?" He said, "Maybe this will jog your memory." One at a time, he walked over to the sitting silhouettes (who were on both sides of him) and removed what appeared to be a bag from over their heads. "Surely, you remember Laxus and Sting, don't you?"

I was shocked after hearing those names. It was in that moment that I noticed the blond hair and I could see them better. However, to make sure that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me, I stepped forward.

I couldn't believe it . . Laxus sat to the man's left (also my right) while Sting sat to the man's right (which was my left).

"Both gentlemen are unconscious at the moment." The man kept talking, "I want to test something and you're going to be my test dummy. In a minute, I'm going to push these men off of the cliff. Your job is to pick which one you'll save and which one you're going to let die."

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now