Chapter 17

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Sting had to think fast. "C-C'mon (Y/N), let's go home."

"But I'm not finished yet, Sting." You responded, quickly standing to your feet.

Another boom of thunder and a flash of lightning occurred in the grey sky. The wind began to pick up speed, blowing your (h/c) hair from side to side.

"(Y/N), STOP IT!" Sting yelled, moving quickly and running in front of you. He stood between you and Yukino, his back facing the Celestial Spirit Wizard. He held his arms out, protectively shielding Yukino from you. "Don't kill Yukino." He continued, lowering his voice. "Please."

You were surprised by Sting's behavior. Why is he protecting Yukino? Why is he defending her? Aren't you his girlfriend? He should be defending you!

"Why are you helping her, Sting?" You asked, your hands curling up into fists. "Do you have feelings for her?" The atmosphere grew dark and eerie as the sky became a darker hue.

A chill went down Yukino's spine as she noticed the change in the atmosphere. (Y/N)-sama is scaring me. She found herself shaking from fear, but every time her body moved, pain shot through her like a rocket.

What should I do? She wondered. The atmosphere was not making her want to vomit. There was pure evil and hatred oozing out of you. Sting-sama, please go and leave me here. She's going to kill you too if you stay. At least if you leave, you can live your life. A tear ran down her cheek, which surprised her. C'mon, Yukino, stop crying! She squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to stop the tears from flowing.

"What are you doing?" A voice purred in her ear. "This is the best part."

Yukino's eyes snapped open and she whipped her head around, looking left and right. Was that just my imagination? No matter how many times she looked, she saw nothing and no one.


Sting fell on his back, wincing in pain. His arms were pinned to the ground on both sides of his head. "(Y/N), you've got it all wrong!" He pleaded, looking up at you.

He saw the dead look in your eyes; the sparkling (e/c) eyes that he loved dearly were no longer there.

"I don't love Yukino, believe me!" He heard a faint sniffle and felt a little bit of guilt. Sorry, Yukino. "I love you, (Y/N)." His voice cracked a bit, his demeanor becoming serious. "I really do, but . . . . THE (Y/N) I KNOW WOULD NEVER KILL SOMEONE! E-Even if someone . . . likes the person she loves. Even though the person she thinks she loves, isn't the person she actually loves."

Call for it! Call for the lamp!


"Ishtar?" You mumbled, confused.

"Who's Ishtar?" Yukino thought aloud.

"I am." The same voice from earlier purred from behind Yukino.

Yukino let out a small shriek from the sudden presence next to her.

Ishtar ignored the scared girl and walked toward Sting. "You know, you didn't have to shout." She informed him. "I've actually been here for a while."

"I-I don't care." The blond stuttered. "Just change (Y/N) back."

"But isn't this what you wanted?" The genie smirked. "You wanted (Y/N) to love you and now she does. Isn't that right, (Y/N)?" She directed her attention to you who was staring at her with somewhat of a scowl on your face.

"Yeah." You said in a monotone voice. You were skeptical of this mysterious woman who had appeared and was talking normally with Sting. Who is she and how does she know Sting? You thought as you narrowed your eyes at her.

"But she loves me too much!" Sting replied to Ishtar. "She's trying to kill one of my friends!"

"A wish is a wish, Master Sting." Ishtar grinned. "There's always a lesson to be learned after a selfish wish. Did you learn it?"

"I guess I shouldn't . . . force (Y/N) to like me." He mumbled, but a second later, a realization hit him. "H-Hey, I didn't even make a wish! You did this on your own!"

"Playing the blame game?" Ishtar sighed, folding her arms over her chest. "You're so childish."


"Okay, okay. Make a wish!"

"I wish that (Y/N) wasn't forced to love me anymore!"

"Very well." Ishtar said, casting the spell.

A bright yellow light filled the area, clearing the dark atmosphere and the returning the sky to its original nightly state.

When the light disappeared, Ishtar was gone.

Two wishes down, one to go.

"What . . . just happened?" Yukino asked, her eyes wide. She had no idea what just happened and was utterly confused.

"Thank goodness." Sting sighed in relief.

"Sting." The blond flinched at the harshness of the tone of voice. He forgot that you were on top of him. He hesitantly looked up into your (e/c) eyes, the eyes that he loves staring into, and saw that you were glaring down at him.

"What did you do to me?" You growled, tightening your grip on his arms.

"U-Uh, (Y/N)-san, I-"

"Don't call me '(Y/N)-san'." You spat.

"But it's cute." He laughed nervously. And so are you. He blushed at his own thought.

"I'll only ask you one more time," You hissed. "what did you do to me?"

"I-It was a genie! S-She tricked me! I'm so sorry, (Y/N)-san!" He suddenly overpowered you and hugged you, his arms wrapping around your waist. "I'm so sorry!"

You were surprised by Sting's sudden actions. You still didn't completely understand what he said, but it was the middle of the night.

You could get more details when the sun rises.

"I-It's okay." You patted him on the back, starting to feel uncomfortable. "Just go back to your house and get some sleep."

Sting nodded in response, pulling away from you. You stood up and noticed Yukino sitting on the ground a couple feet away. You took a step toward her, but she flinched and whimpered.

You took the pair of scissors and nonchalantly flung them into Yukino's shoulder as if it was a normal thing to do.

She gasped in pain and whimpered, tears forming in her brown eyes. She looked at you with those same teary eyes. "(Y/N)-sama," She muttered, "this isn't like you."

You remember everything. It was as clear as day. You remember everything that you did to her. It felt as if you saw everything, but you couldn't control your actions.

Yukino had every right to be scared of you.

"Sorry." You mumbled, not being able to look at her. You quickly turned around and took off, going back to your own home.

Sting released the breath he didn't know that he'd been holding. He stood up and walked over to Yukino before kneeling in front of her.

"Sorry about this, Yukino."

"No, i-it's okay, Sting-sama. I'm fine." She shook her head, not wanting him to worry about her.

"Well, um," Sting averted his eyes from the girl. "you can stay at my apartment tonight and I'll bandage your wounds."

Without saying another word, Yukino nodded.

As you walked home, you wondered how you were going to approach Laxus later today.

Would he take you back?

Or would he be too angry to take you back?

Guess you'll find out this afternoon.

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now