Chapter 29

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After hearing your decision, Vivian returned to her bedroom. Vincent, however, stayed in the Throne Room.

His foot tapped impatiently as he gritted his teeth. No longer standing the feeling he had gnawing at him, he quickly stood up and dashed to the library.

Opening an old, large, and heavy book, he mumbled to himself, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

At the same time, the traveling party from Fairy Tail was following Joseph to who-knows-where.

"Where the heck are we?" Natsu asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

"I suppose I should tell you everything before we arrive." Joseph said.

"Tell us what?" Laxus asked, narrowing his eyes.

"We are going to a secluded land called Pennsylvania." Joseph began to explain, "This land is a home for vampires who have been alive for decades."

"Vampires?" Sting questioned, "I thought vampires didn't exist."

"Many people thought dragons didn't exist either." The older man looked over his shoulder at the Sabertooth master, smirking when the blond tensed up. "Vampires are very real, but they prefer that humans don't know that they exist."

"Why is that?" Lucy inquired.

"Because then the hunt wouldn't be as fun."

Everyone's eyes (excluding Joseph) widened at those words. The question that everyone wanted to know was, what was the hunt? Deep down, they all knew the answer, but no one dared to ask.

No one except Natsu Dragneel.

"So, vampires just kill people in their free time?" He asked with a hint of bitterness. The more he thought about "the hunt," the angrier he became. How could someone take another's life so easily? He never understood that, which is one reason why he absolutely hates assassination guilds.

"When they're hungry." Joseph answered. "Vampires have to eat too."

"You talk like you're one of them." Gray stated, becoming suspicious of the man.

Joseph stopped walking at Gray's accusation before slowly turning around to face the group. "That's because I am one." He confessed, two sharp fangs growing as his eyes flashed red. The group immediately took a defensive stance, causing Joseph to chuckle. "Can't life on Pennsylvania for decades without being a vampire."

"And tell me just what exactly does (Y/N) have to do with all of this vampire nonsense?" Erza demanded to know, requipping a sword and pointing it at Joseph.

"You mean you haven't put two-and-two together?" The vampire raised his eyebrows.

"If you're referring to (Y/N) being a vampire, that's impossible!" Evergreen spoke up. "She's a wizard, obviously she's seen blood in battle and not once has she grown any sort of fangs."

"Yeah!" Sting shouted in agreement.

"If her birth parents are vampires, tell me then, how does the child end up a human?" Joseph challenged, smirking.

"Why don't you explain why she's never grown fangs?" Happy boldly questioned.

"Did you not stop to think that her vampire tendencies could be sealed?"

At that thought provoking question, jaws dropped. Was it possible? Was (Y/N) really a vampire?

"The girl you all knew, (Y/N), is not human." Joseph said, "She's one of us."

"We're not letting you take her!" Laxus declared.

"Goodness, I don't want her." Joseph told them, "I told you I'm a family friend. I've been searching for the missing daughter ever since she disappeared. I finally found a lead in a place called Fiore, so I went to go check it out. It seems as though the royal family found her before I did. I assure you we just want to see her again and spend time with her."

"You got a funny way of showing it."

"I don't know what Vincent did, but I apologize for his actions. He's just really eager to see his daughter again."

"Wait!" Lucy shouted, picking up on something Joseph said previously. "Royal family?"

"Oh yes, (Y/N) is the firstborn child of the Harrington clan." He informed. "The princess."

Jaws dropped again and eyes widened. It was definitely shocking news that was hard to believe. You were not really princess material since your earliest memories were of being raised in the woods by a dragon.

"Now, if you don't mind, we want to get to Pennsylvania as quickly as possible."

Several hours later . .

It was pitch black all across Pennsylvania, signaling night time. You were in bed with Phoebe curled up next to you when you heard tons of movement and activity from the hallway. Your exceed was already asleep, but you weren't.

Wanting to get some sleep, you got up and was determined to tell whoever was in the hall to be quiet. What you weren't expecting was dozens of people moving up and down the staircase and talking amongst themselves.

"Princess?" A random man asked, seeing your head poke out of your bedroom. "Is something wrong?"

You flinched, startled by his sudden presence. "U-Uh, I was just wondering . . what was going on."

He looked at you confused, tilting his head to the side. "We're just hanging out." He shrugged, "I think pretty much everyone has woken up, so we're just talking before we go out to get breakfast."

"Breakfast?" You asked, surprised yet confused. "But it's almost ten o'clock at night!"

"Yes, it is." He nodded his head very slowly, stop confused as to why you were so shocked. "That's when we always get breakfast."

What the-You thought. That's when you remembered a very important detail. Everyone in this mansion was a vampire, which means that it's only natural for them to be active at night rather than during the day. "O-Oh," You stuttered, "I see." The man nodded at you, wary of you now, before walking away.

You turned to go back inside your room when your stomach growled quite loudly. It was as if you hadn't eaten food for an entire year; hunger hit you like a truck. You were so hungry that it caused you physical pain.

Gripping your stomach, you trudged out of your room, down the stairs (weaving through people and informing them that you were okay), and into the massive kitchen. Breathing heavily from the intense pain, you opened the refrigerator hoping to find food, but instead you only found packets and packets of blood.

"What?" You groaned before remembering: Oh yeah, vampires. Your stomach growled once again and you were already tired of this gnawing feeling of hunger. You closed the refrigerator door and moved to turn around, but a hand covered your mouth and an arm wrapped around your waist.

"Long time no see, Princess."

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now