Chapter 14

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Over the next couple of days, you spent your time at Sabertooth by Sting's side.

And to be honest, Sting was enjoying it.

"Good morning!~" You purred, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Good morning, (Y/N)-san!" He replied groggily while smiling.

You were in his apartment, next to him in bed (don't worry, you guys didn't do 'it'), and you had just woken up.

Sting, who was shirtless because that's the way he sleeps, turned over to face you and wrapped his arm around your waist. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He said, pressing his forehead against yours. You blushed and smiled, happiness filling your body.

"T-Thanks." You mumbled.

"I love you," Sting kissed you on the lips, "so much."

"I love you too, Sting."

Comfortable silence filled the bedroom as your boyfriend stared into your eyes lovingly. He was entranced by your beauty and by the fact that you were his now.

Even if it wasn't real.

He hasn't seen Ishtar since that night, but he was enjoying the wish that he technically didn't make. The wish came from his heart, something that he was trying to suppress. Ishtar took advantage of the open opportunity and granted the unspoken wish.

But Sting will soon find out that there is always a catch to a genie's wish.

He wished for (Y/N)'s love, now let's see if he can handle it.

"What are we going to do today, Sting?" You asked.

Sting made a concentrated look and you assumed that he was thinking. "Whatever you want, I guess." He shrugged.

"Hmm," You hummed, thinking about what you wanted to do. Honestly, as long as you were with Sting you didn't care what you did. "let's go for a walk then!"

"Okay!" He grinned.

He sat up and climbed out of bed, as did you, and got dressed in fresh clothes. Both of you brushed your teeth and made yourselves look presentable before leaving Sting's apartment.

"Where to, (Y/N)-san?" He asked. After you started dating him, Sting added '-san' to your name, thinking that it would be cute.

"I don't care, I just want to be seen with you!" You grinned, latching onto his arm.

"Heh," The blond chuckled, "you're so cute." He intertwined his fingers with yours, the two of you holding hands as you walked down the street.

Your walk brought you to the marketplace. There were people there on each side of the street who were making small talk. A familiar face could be seen buying fruits.

"Yukino?" Sting wondered aloud as you two approached.

Yukino turned her head to the right, seeing you and Sting. "Sting-sama! (Y/N)-sama!" She exclaimed. Her eyes drifted down to your interwined fingers and a frown appeared on her face, but it disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Sting didn't notice Yukino's rapid change in facial expressions. And if he did, then he pretended not to notice. "Yo!" He waved, grinning. "What're you doing out at the market so early?"

"J-Just buying some apples and oranges, that's all." She replied, avoiding eye contact with the both of you. She forced a smile on her face, one that was painfully obvious to you.

"Are you alright, Yukino?" You asked. "You don't seem well. Is something going on?"

"Huh?" She gasped, looking up at you with wide eyes. Then her face went back to normal. "O-Oh, I'm fine! It's nothing!"

"Are you sure?" Sting asked, raising an eyebrow. "You can tell us anything, you know."

"N-No, it's really alright." She assured you and Sting. "Thank you though. I should be going now."

Both you and Sting raised your eyebrows in confusion as Yukino bowed to you before running off.

"That was weird . ." Sting mumbled.

"Yeah." You nodded.

The two of you continued your morning stroll before finally going to Sabertooth at one o'clock.

The guild was lively, not as lively as Fairy Tail (which you haven't been to in two or three days), but nonetheless there was a lot of chatter.

Sting told you that he'd be right back, kissing your cheek before going to his office.

Now, you had to find something to do while you waited for Sting. You decided to scan the request board even though you had no intention of taking a job. As you stood in front of the board, your enhanced hearing picked up some hushed voices from a nearby and secluded hallway.

"C-Calm down, Yukino."


"I . . . I'm sorry!"

Yukino? Is she crying?

"I know it's hard, but it'll be okay. I'm sure there's another guy out there for you."

"T-Thank you. *sniff* I just . . . it hurts!" She paused before continuing. "Ever since I joined Sabertooth, I've have a . . . a slight crush on Sting-sama and I thought I might've had a good chance of getting him to go out with me. But that was before the Grand Magic Games."

"And now Sting likes (Y/N)."

"Yeah. I knew I didn't have a chance, but seeing them together earlier was too much . . . . it hurt too much!"

"Y-Yukino, it's okay. Sting just isn't the guy for you, he's too in love with (Y/N)."

"I-I know . ."

Yukino likes Sting? After everything you had just overheard, you focused on the fact that the Celestial Spirit Mage has feelings for Sting. She likes Sting? MY Sting!? Your nose flared as you felt your blood boil.

Yukino is a threat. She has to be eliminated.

A dark aura surrounded you, but it quickly disappeared once you heard a certain someone calling your name.


A smile spread across your face as you turned and saw Sting running toward you. "Sting!" You exclaimed.

He chuckled at your actions, grinning from ear to ear.

You ran to him, throwing yourself into his arms.

"It's been five minutes. You missed me that much?" He smirked.

"Is that a bad thing?" You playfully pouted.


"Care to take your intimacy elsewhere?" Rogue asked in annoyance, walking to the bar.

"Rogue, you're just jealous." Sting teased.

"AM NOT!" The black haired male defended himself.

Just like the Fairy Tail members, the wizards of Sabertooth suspected that you were under some sort of spell. You did switch from Team Laxus to Team Sting rather quickly. But there was nothing that they could do about it since Sting claimed that he didn't do anything (which is technically true), and no one knew how to reverse whatever had been done.

But like it's mentioned earlier, there's always a catch with a genie's wish.

The catch being that (Y/N) is becoming a yandere!

Sting wanted (Y/N)'s love, right? Can he handle it?

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now