Chapter 47

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It's time.

Time to perform the spell that will save his relationship and make him eternally happy.

He spent the next week, after showing it to Makarov, reading over the spell and learning any motions that needed to be done.

He memorized this spell because nothing can go wrong. He won't  allow it.

He knows Freedom like the back of his hand.

"Are you ready, Laxus?" Freed asked, noticing that the blond was lost in thought.

A private meeting consisting of Makarov, the Thunder Legion, and Laxus was taking place in Makarov's office. It was here where Laxus would perform the spell.

"Yeah." Laxus replied, taking a deep breath and calming his nerves. He closed his eyes as he mentally prepared himself for what was to come.

When he opened his eyes a minute later, determination and hope flashed in his sharp eyes.

I'm coming for you, (Y/N)!

Thirty minutes later . . .

You were sitting with the main members of Sabertooth. Sting told a funny yet dumb story which resulted in everyone laughing. However, as the laughter died down, everyone noticed that you were staring off into space.

"(Y/N)." Sting called your name in concern, but it was as if you didn't hear him.

"(Y/N)?" Phoebe called, sprouting her wings and flying up to your face.

You were physically there, but you seemed to not be mentally there.

Then they watched your (e/c) eyes go wide.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Sting asked immediately, leaning in toward you.

"I remember." You murmured, almost in a trance.

"Remember what?" Phoebe asked, though she had a feeling it had to do with Laxus.

"I have to go." You abruptly stood up and ran out of the guild with your loyal exceed following behind you.

Meanwhile, Fairy Tail had its normal atmosphere. However, Laxus was on edge and nervous.

Did it work? Oh, don't be stupid. It had to have worked, right?

Let's say it did work. What if she chose to be with Sting? You know they've been spending a lot of time together.

Laxus' heart rate increased as fear struck him. Part of him had hope, but another part of him was playing the devil's advocate.

It was like an angel and the devil were on opposing sides of his shoulders. His inner hope and inner fear were debating as he sat at the bar, his hand trembling on the mug he was holding.

(Y/N) won't choose Sting. She loves me.

Does she?

Of course she does!

If she loves you so much, then tell me why she hasn't spent a single minute with you these past few months.

Because I've been busy.

Busy ignoring her.

Shut up! I've been trying to help her.

What if she doesn't want to be helped?

Laxus growled at the internal debate he was having with himself.

She obviously doesn't want to be helped. Can't you see that she's happy with Sting? She's obviously in love with him-


The guild doors opened, creaking as the large wooden doors let in a cool breeze. The murmurs and conversations seemed to die down as people started to wonder what was going on. It took awhile before Laxus heard,


He recognized that voice.

He slowly spun around in his chair, mug in hand, and when he saw you standing in the doorway of the guild, he immediately dropped the mug as his mouth hung open in shock.

He couldn't speak. His mouth hung open, but no words came out.

"Laxus, can we talk?" You asked since he wasn't going to say anything anytime soon.

He nodded his head in a dumbfounded way then followed you out of the guild (Phoebe stayed by the guild's entrance and waited for you).

You and Laxus walked through the forest side-by-side. He didn't dare speak. He knew what you two were probably going to talk about.

But what if the spell didn't work?

His anxiety and thoughts were put on hold when you suddenly asked,

"Why do I remember you?"

Ah, so it did work! Now what are you going to do? You gonna tell her that you were so selfish that you ruined her happiness with Sting?

Shut up!

"Why, Laxus, do I remember you?" You asked again since he didn't respond. You stopped walking and turned to face him. "I'm not suppose to remember anything about you! And even if I do, you're . . . you're suppose to be-"

"I know."

His voice was low and he took slow, deep breaths. In his mind, he was panicking. That sickening devil's advocate was putting doubt in not only his mind but his heart.


"I-I found a spell." He cut you off, beginning to explain. "It's sort of a loophole, so there's no consequences. Neither of us will die because of this." He looked you in the eyes with a determined, yet hesitant look. "We can finally be together, (Y/N)."

Now it was your turn to be speechless. Your mouth hung open, but no words came out. After such a big sacrifice on your part, it was all taken care of by your . . . boyfriend?

Ex boyfriend?

Whatever the case, you were hesitant to immediately run into his arms. You loved Laxus, of course.

He was your first boyfriend, your first kiss, as well as your first love.

He holds a special place in your heart.

Now, half of you wants nothing more than to go back to your life prior to the vampire nonsense - your life dating Laxus.

But after the whole genie incident and having no memory of Laxus for months, the other half of you has grown fond of Sting. Perhaps, you are starting to fall for him.

So the real question is . . what do you do now?

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now