Chapter 19

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After Laxus finished cleaning himself, he joined you, Phoebe, the Thunder Legion, and Natsu's team who tagged along because they're extremely nosy.

And now, you were off to Sabertooth.

As you started walking, Laxus suddenly grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.

"What are you doing?" You asked, surprised that Laxus did this.

He usually gets embarrassed by displays of public affection.

"Just makin' sure Sting gets the message." He grunted, staring straight ahead.

"You're adorable when you're jealous." You grinned, trying to contain your laughter that was threatening to burst.

"I'm not jealous, (Y/N)!" Laxus growled, finally looking down at you. His brows were furrowed and if there wasn't a pink blush on his cheeks, you would have thought that he was serious.

"Tell that to the blush on your face." You said, and as soon as you said that, you bursted with laughter.

Laxus growled at you and looked away, avoiding eye contact with you.

"They are so right for each other!" Evergreen softly squealed from a little ways behind you.

"In all my years of serving Laxus, I have never witnessed him look at anyone with as much love as he does with (Y/N)." Freed commented.

"You two need dates." Bickslow snickered.

"Put a sick in it!" Evergreen and Freed growled in unison.

Once the group arrived at Sabertooth, Natsu took it upon himself to burst through the double doors, making a scene.

"Hey, Sting, how ya doin'!" Natsu shouted, kicking the doors open.

"Quit causing a reckus!" Erza scolded.

"Natsu-san?" Sting raised his eyebrows, spotting the fellow Dragon Slayer. Then his eyes landed on the rest on the group. "(Y-Y/N)-san!?"

Before you could say anything, Laxus left your side and was instantly in front of the fellow blond.

"We need to talk." Laxus hissed.

Sting gulped the large lump in his throat and shifted nervously in his seat.

"Laxus, don't scare the guy." Gray spoke up. "You're gonna make him wet himself."

"I am not going to wet myself!" Sting snapped.

"I don't care if you do or not." Laxus grunted. "Just come and chat with us."

Sting nodded. "Let's go to my office." He mumbled.

He stood up and trudged to his office, the Fairy Tail (and a few Sabertooth) members following behind. Once everyone was inside, he closed and locked the door shut.

And he spilled the beans about everything that had happened. How Ishtar's lamp found him, about his first and second wish, and about how you had tried to murder Yukino - who refuses to be within a foot of your presence.

She kept her distance from you.

"Sting," Rogue spoke up after silence filled the room. "why didn't you tell anyone? We could've helped."

"I was . . ." The blond guildmaster replied in a daze. "I was enjoying my time with (Y/N)-san." He paused before contuining, "But it wasn't real love and . . . and I'm sorry, Laxus, (Y/N)-san."

Laxus was remaining quiet, lost in his thoughts. Though, his exterior demeanor was quite frightening. He was scowling and glaring at whatever was in his line of sight, and he stood tall with his arms stubbornly folded over his chest.

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now