Chapter 18

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2:00 p.m.

You groaned, rolling over in bed. "Laxus." You mumbled. You've been thinking about the muscular blond ever since you started walking home. You were crazy nervous and self-conscience even though you know you shouldn't be.

But nevertheless, you still desired to see him.

After showering and getting dressed, freshening up for the day, you left your place and walked toward Fairy Tail.

When you arrived, you were met by a familiar face.

"Phoebe?" You called, surprised to see her waiting for you outside of the guild.

"I heard you come home this morning." She said. "Are you really (Y/N)?"

You give her a soft, warm smile as you get on one knee. "I am." You replied, holding your arms out. Tears form in her eyes as she runs to you and throws herself into your arms.

"I missed you!" She confessed while crying. "I missed you so much!"

You rubbed her back while your partner cried her eyes out. Then you picked her up and carried her as you walked to the front doors. "I know you did." You finally respond, "And I'm sorry."

Pushing the double doors open, the nervousness and anxiety fill your system again. You take a deep breath, awaiting the unknown response that you were about to recieve.

Everyone's head turned toward the doors as they creeked open. Then eyes went wide as they saw who was standing there.

"(Y/N)!" The guild shouted. Tears prickled at the corner of everyone's eyes, but no one actually cried.

You were surrounded by guildmates who were asking you several questions at once.

What happened to you?

Are you okay?

Are you seriously dating Sting now?

Are you going to join Sabertooth?

"Now, now, give the girl some space." Makarov said from the bar. "And there's someone you need to see (Y/N). Go to the library."

You already knew who the 'somebody' was and you knew that this has to happen sooner or later.

This crowd around you dispersed and you put Phoebe down before walking to the library.

Without saying a word, you entered, peaking your head inside first.

And that's when you saw him.

Laxus was buried in an avalanche of books, not noticing your presence.

You inched forward toward him, sensing his frustration and anxiety. You gulped down your nervousness before deciding to speak up.

"L-Laxus .  ."

You saw him flinch when his name was called, but he didn't look your way. It was as if he didn't actually believe that you were there.

So, you tried again. "Laxus,-"

"You finally came back." He grunted, interrupting you. Though, he still didn't look at you.

"Y-Yeah . ."

"I've been sitting here for days trying to figure out a way to change you back." He began rambling out his frustrations, still not looking at you but he stared blankly at the table. "I've only gotten one night of sleep, I haven't gotten any leads on what happened to you or how I can change you back, and right when I hit my breaking point, you show up. So, why are you here? Did you come to taunt me some more about how much you love the Saber blondie? If so, then you can leave now."

He's angry, and he had every right to be. But honestly, you weren't entirely yourself; you were being controlled by magic.

Even though, you remember everything that happened as if you did it of your own free will.

"Laxus, I don't love Sting." You said.

When he heard that statement, he gasped and finally turned his head toward you. You saw the surprised expression on his face and you noticed that his eyes were becoming watery.

"S-Say that again." He stuttered in a bewildered state.

"I don't love Sting." You repeated.

Laxus continued to stare at you, a mixture of emotions on his face, but his body moved quickly. In a flash, he was out of the seat and in front of you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a hug - a tight hug.

You snuggled into the hug, into Laxus' warmth which was something you missed dearly. You smiled, content. And then you thought you heard sniffling.

"Lax-" You were about to ask him if everything was okay, but he squeezed you tighter, making you stop talking.

It was then, you realized that Laxus was crying. He missed you that much.

You buried your face into his chest and wrapped your arms around him, completing the hug.

"I missed you too." You said, though it was muffled.

But he still heard you.

The next hour was spent telling the guild about everything that happened to you. You didn't fully understand the genie concept nor did you know how Sting managed to get one, but what you did understand was that you were under a spell.

"I'm gonna kill him." Laxus growled, pounding his fist on the tabletop.

"No, you won't." Makarov sighed, chugging a mug of beer down his throat.

"Calm down, Laxus." You attempted to sooth your boyfriend, but it didn't seem to be working.

"How are you not mad?" He asked you with his eyebrows furrowed together. "He controlled you with magic and made you act all weird. How do you not want revenge?"

"At first, I was mad." You confessed, staring blankly at the table as you recalled the earlier events. "Once I was released from the spell, I was confused but mad. But the way Sting looked at me - the tears in his eyes and the fear in his voice - he was guilty and I know for a fact that he's sorry about what happened. Everyone wants to be forgiven, Laxus." You lifted your head and shifted your gaze toward the blond. "Even you."

Laxus kept his mouth shut and just stared at you. The Battle of Fairy Tail came to mind. He had made a mistake, a simple case of false judgement, and all he wanted was to be forgiven by his friends - to be accepted again.

That's probably what that loser wants, isn't it? He thought to himself. He knew that you were right, but he wouldn't admit it out loud. At least, not in front of the entire guild. "Well, we have to, at least, find out how he got the genie so that it never happens again."

"Sure, that's a great idea!" You smiled, but it only lasted a second before you grimaced. "But you need to shower first."

Natsu and Gajeel bursted with laughter while Laxus scowled at you for saying such a thing out loud. He grumbled to himself as he stood up and walked to the back of the guild.

And Natsu and Gajeel were still laughing. Only now, Gray and Cana joined in.

It feels good to be back!

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now