Chapter 30

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You were instantly in another room, a room you weren't familiar with.

The hand and arm removed themselves from your body, allowing you to move freely. That was when you turned around to look at the mysterious person.

"Hello, (Y/N)." He greeted.

"Who are you?" You asked, not bothering to greet him back.

"I'm Joseph." He bowed in a very elegant manner, "Nice to meet you."

"As in the guy who kidnapped me?" You asked, remembering the story of how you were separated from Vincent and Vivian.

"Kidnapped is such a fowl word." He shook his head, "I prefer the term borrowed."

"You're a lunatic." You mumbled. Then your stomach growled and that pain returned, causing you to bend over while clutching your abdomen.

"Good heavens, you're ready to feed!" Joseph exclaimed, absolutely delighted.

"Feed?" You glanced up at the man, "Impossible. My other side was sealed."

"Well, now it's not."

"What did you-" Your stomach growled louder, cutting you off.

"Dear, do us all a favor and drink some blood. Technically, you haven't eaten in four centuries. That's why you're so hungry."

"I won't . . . kill . . . a human . ."

Joseph watched you manage those five words through your intense hunger. He originally wanted to use you to get to your mother, but now he had a new plan in mind.

With (Y/N)'s Search Party . .

It was pitch black in Pennsylvania, so as soon as the group stepped foot on the country's land, they couldn't see a thing.

They also quickly realized that Joseph had disappeared, leaving them for dead in a place where human-eating creatures roam.

Sting's magic was used to help the group see as they travelled, but that only drew attention to them. Vampires found the guild wizards too quickly, spotting Sting's light from a mile away. Of course, the vampires could have always sniffed them out, but that would've taken more time.

So now, here the mages are: surrounded by hungry vampires.

"We hit the jackpot, guys." One of the vampires said, breathing heavily through his hunger.

"I know right." Another one said,, "So many tasting looking humans."

"Must be our lucky night."

"You ain't layin' a finger on us!" Natsu exclaimed, preparing to fight his way through.

"This one's feisty." A female, the only female (currently present), vampire smirked. "I call dibs on Strawberry Shortcake."

"I don't have time for this." Laxus growled, lightning sparking around him. Wanting to hurry up and see you, he charged at a vampire, determined to defeat him quickly.

His body was surrounded by lightning as he came for another muscly male. He reeled back his fist and coated it with lightning before pushing it forward at his opponent's face.

However, the opponent nonchalantly held a hand up to counter Laxus' attack and grabbed the blond's fist in his hand. The sparks of lightning transferred to the vampire, but the man just flared his nose as if he was thrilled.

"That tickled." He smirked.

It was then that Laxus noticed what a strong grip this man had.

"I can sense it just by touching you." The man continued, "The blood flowing through your veins, pumping blood to your heart. I can hear it too. It's like music to my ears. My teeth ache just looking at you."

"Shut your trap." Laxus spat, trying to yank his hand from the man's grip.

"Now, the one thing you humans failed to do, obviously, is your homework." The vampire ignored Laxus' comment and kept talking, "You see, we vampires have the strength of one hundred men," He used his other hand to grip the collar of Laxus' shirt before turning slightly and throwing the blond human behind him. Laxus grunted as his back came in to contact with a tree, the force of the impact caused the tree to be ripped from its roots and fall backwards. Before Laxus could move, the vampire he had been fighting with was in front of him in a flash, a hand around his neck. "and the speed of a thousand cheetahs." The vampire growled in the blond's face.

From Laxus' new angle, his new viewpoint, he could see the dire situation that his group was in. Or rather he couldn't see (because it's pitch black), but he heard the victorious laughter from what he knew wasn't Natsu, Gray, or Sting.

"Yeah, well," Laxus grunted. This vampire's hold on his neck was extremely strong. "I've got the speed of lightning." Sparks bounced off of his skin and gathering all of his strength, he pushed the enemy backwards and took several steps back (being careful not to trip on the fallen tree) all in one go - at a quick speed.

Laxus heard heavy breathing from in front of him and assumed it was the guy he was fighting. Then he heard the guy hum in pleasure, which confused the blond. It was a that moment that Laxus felt a small sting on the left side of his neck. Reaching his hand up to touch his neck, he felt something liquid.

"Just as I thought," the vampire spoke, probably smirking. "your blood does taste good."

Back to (Y/N) . .

Joseph watched as Princess (Y/N) gave into her hunger, devouring her prey.

"Pity that bird won't last long." He commented, looking down at you.

Having his new plan laid out in his head, he decided to go ahead and complete phase one of the operation: turning you into a full fledged vampire.

No, he didn't throw some poor human at your feet. Your hunger craves for blood, whether human or not. So, Joseph went out and caught a poor bird and threw it at your feet.

But not before slitting the bird's thoat.

The sight, smell, and mere presence of the red liquid - that's what triggered you. Something snapped inside of you and within seconds of seeing that poor bird's blood spill onto the floor, you dropped to your knees and those natural-born fangs of yours made their first appearance.

But Joseph knew that a mere bird wouldn't satisfy you for long. For one thing, you hadn't satisfied this side of you in 400 years. You were definitely starving. Secondly, it's natural for an animal's blood to not satisfy a vampire as much as a human's blood would. For some reason, animal blood does not last long within a vampire's system, so vampires prefer human blood over animal blood. Not only does it last longer, but it tastes better. Even though any kind of blood will cure hunger pain.

The bird is now drained of its blood and lies lifeless on the floor. You stand to your feet, numerous parts and/or areas of your body cracking at once. You stand straight and tall and stare at Joseph with your long lost red eyes.

Joseph smirked at the sleeping princess whom he had just awakened, "It has been far too long, Princess (Y/N) Harrington."

He grinned wickedly, "Are you ready to go hunting?"

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now