Chapter 15

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Meanwhile at Fairy Tail . . .

"There's gotta be something." Laxus mumbled to himself. He was in the guild's library surrounded by a mountain of open books. His skin was pale, his hair was a mess (he continuously ran his hands through it out of frustration), and he had several bags under his eyes.

He was like a zombie.

"There's gotta be something." He repeated as if in a trance. "Keep looking . ."

A minute later, the blond's grandfather walked into the library.

"Laxus!" He called, making sure to be as loud as possible in order to get the blond's attention.

"Can't talk, old man . ." Laxus replied in a soft mumble.

"Laxus," Makarov called again, quieter this time. "you've got to get some rest. Take a break. You look terrible, boy."

"Not until I save (Y/N) . ."

"You won't be able to save her if you collapse from exhaustion."

Laxus growled in frustration and slammed the book that he was reading shut. "I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING!" He shouted, running his hands through his hair.

"Laxus," Makarov said once more, "rest."

"Fine." The blond grunted.

"I promise, we'll find out whatever potion or spell was casted on (Y/N)."

Little did they know that the cause of (Y/N)'s new feelings wasn't from a potion, and even if they discovered the spell, they wouldn't be able to undo it.

Only the caster can undo its magic.

Seven Hours Later (8:00 p.m.) . . .

"Goodnight, Sting-sama, (Y/N)-sama!" Yukino said as she exited Sabertooth.

"'Night, Yukino." Sting waved.

"Bye!" You said ecstatically, glad that she was finally gone. Ever since you heard Yukino say that she had a crush on Sting, you felt a burning hatred toward her.

You didn't like to even be in her presence, or mention her name.

She was going to take Sting away from you. And you weren't going to let that happen.

"(Y/N)-san," Sting called your name, snapping you out of your thoughts. "let's go home!" He grinned at you, making your heart beat faster in your chest.

"Okay!" You exclaimed, nodding frantically.

Sting grabbed your hand and the two of you left Sabertooth, making sure to turn off all the lights and to lock the front door.

When you arrived at Sting's apartment, you asked your boyfriend for a kiss. He blushed furiously, but pressed his lips against yours nonetheless.

It was everything he could've hoped for. Everything he imagined.

You were perfect.

But that's when it hit him.

None of this was real. His feelings were real. His happiness in the relationship was real, but yours weren't.

It was fake.

Ishtar used magic to make you feel this way. You didn't love Sting, you loved Laxus. That was the truth.

You have to end this. His conscience said. You know what you're doing is wrong. Go to the genie.

"(Y/N)-san-" He mumbled against your lips, but you cut him off by going in for a more passionate kiss. He whimpered, his conscience telling him one thing but his body saying the opposite.

Push her away!

Do it!

What are you waiting for!


With all the strength he could muster, Sting gripped your shoulders and pushed you away from him, breaking the kiss.

"S-Sting?" You cocked your head to the side, confused.

"(Y/N)," He became serious, dropping the honorific from your name. "I'm sorry but . . you don't love me."

You were still confused. "What are you talking about, Sting?" You asked. "Of course I love you!"

"No, (Y/N), you don't." He shook his head. "You only think you love me because it's my wish. It's not real love."

It's not real love.

Those words repeated over and over in your head. Sting stared at you, awaiting your reaction. He panicked when he noticed tears forming in your (e/c) eyes.

"S-So, y-you don't want t-to be with me anymore?" You asked between sobs. The tears were flowing and you didn't try to stop them.

Your heart felt broken for some reason.

"No, no!" Sting laughed nervously, not knowing what to do or say. He didn't expect you to cry. "T-That's not what I'm saying at all, (Y/N). I love you-"

"You do!?" You interrupted him, your eyes sparkling though they were still watery with tears.

"Y-Yes, but-"

"I LOVE YOU TOO, STING!" You exclaimed, hugging him.

Sting blushed at your action, but smiled. I'm not getting through to her. He thought. What should I do? I don't even know how to get in touch with Ishtar. I-I guess it couldn't hurt to enjoy our time together. Just enjoy the love (Y/N)'s giving me. He wrapped his arms around your waist, completing the hug.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, (Y/N)." He mumbled, stroking a hand through your (h/c) hair.

"It's okay!" You hummed, breathing in his scent. "Let's go to bed. I'm sleepy."

"Ok." He picked you up, carrying you bridal style to the bedroom. He laid you on the bed, took his shirt off, and crawled in beside you. "Goodnight, (Y/N)-san."

"Goodnight, Sting."

You fool! Sting turned his back toward you as his conscience scolded him. Go get the lamp and summon the genie! Change (Y/N) back to normal! The blond attempted to silence his conscience by squeezing his eyes shut, trying to hurry up and fall asleep.

Ignore me all you want to, you'll still feel the guilt later!

His eyebrow twitched in annoyance at the voice in his head. Soon, though, he was able to fall asleep peacefully.

You waited patiently for Sting to fall asleep before quietly sliding out of bed. You tiptoed down the hall and out the front door into the cool night air.

You sniffed, picking up her scent.

Eliminate the enemy.

You walked through the town barefooted like a zombie, only one thought in mind.

I must protect Sting from any and all threats.

You finally found her house, standing outside and looking up at the building. Then you didn't bother trying to sneak in.

You kicked the front door down.

Looking around for a weapon, you walked into the kitchen. One knife 🔪. One pair of scissors ✂. One hammer 🔨. You grabbed all three.


You heard her voice call out. She must have heard the door being kicked down. Took her a while to get here though.

You felt her presence coming closer, so you stayed still with your back toward her.

She slowly approached the kitchen, both of her golden Celestial Spirit keys in hand and ready to be summoned. When she entered the kitchen, she lowered her guard.

"(Y/N)-sama . . ." She gasped, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

An evil smirk appeared on your lips. You turned around to face the girl that you came to kill, a dark and psychotic expression on your face. Gripping the three weapons, you called her name in a low and menacing tone.

"Yukino Aguria."

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now