Chapter 23

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"Unfortunately, you will die."

Laxus' eyes widened and his jaw did, indeed, drop. "I-I die?" He mumbled. "How?" He asked, but alas, the unknown woman was gone. He whipped his head around, left and right, but she was nowhere to be found.

On Caesar Island . .

After jabbing the lightning bolt into the Kracken's tentacle, the creature shrieked loudly and jerked the tentacle back in a rough motion. The movement caused you, Phoebe, and the lightning bolt to fly through the air and into the ocean behind the large sea monster.

As soon as you were under water, you immediately grabbed your exceed and pulled her close to you while holding your breath. Moving your legs, you swam to the surface and gasped as oxygen filled your lungs.

Then a bright white light blinded you, and images began to flash before your eyes.

"Who are you and why have you come here?"

"(Y/N), I am your father."

"Princess (Y/N) has returned."

"This is Laxus."

"You're not human, (Y/N)."

"I won't allow you to marry that human filth!"

"If you won't see reason, then . ."

"What did you do to (Y/N)!?"

"I command you . . . KILL HIM!"

"I'm sorry, Laxus. I love you . ."

The light vanished and you were once again in the midst of a storm.

"What . . . was that?" You mumbled to yourself.

"Those were images of the near future, (Y/N)." A feminine voice echoed. You looked around you, but saw no one. "This is a warning. The future that lies before you is a heartbreaking one - the man you care for the most, Laxus, will die - but your choices can alter that future.  Best of luck to you!" The woman's voice faded away and you were left in a daze.

"Laxus . . . is going to die?" You said as if in a trance. A large wave pushed you back further into the water, snapping you out of your daze. "The lightning bolt . ." You thought aloud. You looked left and right, searching and scanning the surrounding area for the weapon.

The bolt was being moved by the current to the east. You had to swim to get it because the weather was too dangerous for Phoebe to fly in. Using all of your strength, you swam toward the bolt. Once your fingers were wrapped around it, you faced the Kracken yet again.

I need a weak spot. You thought as you watched the sea monster. Every creature has its weak spot. Something clicked in your head, and the thought of the spot between the Kracken's eyes flashed briefly into your mind.

Acting on instinct, you raised the bolt with one hand (since you are still holding Phoebe in the other) and threw it. You used your magic to direct the lightning bolt to the spot you had in mind. And when it made contact with the Kracken, the monster shrieked and squirmed. It withdrew its tentacles and thrashed about in pain before going still and sinking into the ocean.

Now defeated, the storm began to cease and the waters became still. You swam back to shore and took a moment to sit and rest.

That's when you noticed that your exceed was unconscious.

You gently placed her on the cool sand and soon after the islanders, along with Julius, came running toward you.

"Has the monster been defeated?" Julius asked, halting right in front of you. The islanders looked at you with hopeful eyes. "Yes." You nodded with a smile. The people cheered, applauded you, and thanked you several times for defeating the Kracken.

You dried yourself (and Phoebe) off and showered, and then a feast was held in your honor.

"A toast to (Y/N)!" Julius proclaimed.

"To (Y/N)!" the islanders repeated. For the rest of the night, you ate to your heart's content.

And you would depart from Caesar Island in the morning.

In Magnolia . . .

The entire night, all Laxus could think about was the scenes from the future and what the mysterious woman told him.

"And unfortunately, you will die."

He didn't get a wink of sleep last night and now he's a walking zombie.

Of course, the other Fairy Tail members noticed, but none had the guts to confront him about it.

He wondered if what the woman said was even true. She could have simply used magic to conjure fake future events and then lied about his death. But if what she said was true, should he break up with you? After all, the future was based on his relationship with you. Maybe he could change his fate.

There's just one problem:

He doesn't want to break up with you. He loves you; he's in love with you. He didn't want to break up with you the first time (when he was expelled).

So, does he stay with you and accept his death sentence? Or separate himself from you and live on without you in his life?

Still in thought, Laxus slowly trudges toward the entrance doors while staring at nothing in particular. He pushed the doors open and moved to exit, but he bumps into someone who was trying to enter the guild.

As large as he is, the blond was unmoving. However, the other person was knocked over and they fell on their bottom. A scent reached his nostrils and made his eyes go wide.

He focused his eyes on the person he had bumped into. "(Y/N)?" He gasped.

"That's how you greet your girlfriend and her best friend after they get back from a job?" Phoebe sassed in a playful manner, "Nice to see you too, Laxus." She smirked at the blond before flying into the guild.

"U-Uh, sorry .  ." Laxus mumbled, holding out his hand for you to take, which you did. He pulled you to your feet and grabbed your luggage.

"Hey, I can-"

"Come with me." Laxus demanded, cutting you off. He held your bags with one hand and your wrist with another, tugging you along behind him.

"Laxus, where are we going?" You asked, exhausted.

"My place." He answered sternly. "We need to talk."

To Shine a Light and Shock My Heart [Laxus x Reader x Sting]Where stories live. Discover now