Chapter 8

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I open the door to my mansion and walk to the livingroom where Aubrey is feeding on a human on the couch. I guess she has put the incident behind her, because she is as normal; in my house.
"Damn it, not the couch! I don't want bloodstains on it!", I say jokingly and she laughs.

The guy sits still, uncertain on what's going on because of the 'forgetting poison' from Aubrey's fangs that is in his blood, making him forget every second of what's happening.

The freash smell from an open wound is all over the room. I rush up to the guy so quick that I get blurry, push out my fangs and sink them into the available side of his throat.
We feed on him together until we have taken all the blood we can without killing him.
I push out very much 'forgetting poison' from my left fang and then heal the open bitning marks with the other one. He won't remember being here or recognize our faces.

I lead the person to the door and tell him to go home. I close it behind him and turn around to face what I have to do.

I have to tell Aubrey about my so called 'feelings' for a human being. Not telling her is the same thing as lying. I promised her that I wouldn't lie and as I said, I always keep my promises.
"Aubrey I have to confess something."
I don't know how she's going to take it so I stand in the other side of the room, just in case.

Aubrey cleans her mouth from all the blood before she even looks at me.
"Go on.", she says a little cocky.
"Last night I went on a date with a human...", I say and she raises her eyebrows because she knows I've done it very, very many times. "... and I kissed her." She stares at me angrily because she thinks I'm trying to make her jealous, but I'm not.

Aubrey's right though. I have dated awfully many humans, and vampires. I have kissed and made out with more girls than I can think of, and I haven't even mentioned the sex.

"So? You don't need my permission, do you?", Aubrey snaps back at me and she sounds pissed off.
"Yeah, I know. It's not like you're my girlfriend or anything.", I happen to say without thinking and the words makes her deeply sad but she tries to hide it.
"What I was meaning to say was that I think I have feelings for a human."
Aubrey gets shocked and heartbroken, I can see it.
"Are you crazy?!", she suddenly screams angry. "What were you thinking?!"
She rushes up to me and pushes me hard on the cheast. "You're such an idiot!", she yells furious.
"Now here's the girl I remember.", I claim and it makes her smile, but just a little.
"Shut up!", she says and hits me teasing on the arm with a smile on her lips.

Aubrey steps back and looks at me with concerned eyes.
"Zane, this is bad. Really bad.", she says quiet.
"I know, but if I don't tell her that I'm a vampire, then no rules are broken.", I explain my thoughts.
I don't think it's possible for me to keep such a big secret. I would have to feed on the sly, think of my every movement, strenght and thirst so that she wouldn't find out. I would have to change my whole existence.
The question is; Is all the changes and lies worth it, if I can spend the rest of her human life with her?

''But if this human finds out, then what would you do? To disobey the government's rules isn't something you want to do for a human.", Aubrey says and I agree with her, but not completly. I believe that some might disobey their orders for humans, maybe out of true love or for family.
What if Caitlin finds out, what would I do?
"Zane, you can get killed for God's sake." She takes a grip of my hand and looks at me friendly with a caring gaze as she has for the last 90 years.
"Let go of this madness, please?", she says, trying to persuade me.
"Aubrey, you don't understand. This girl is different. She's not like anyone I have ever met before. I want to take the risk to get to know her.", I explain with hope. "I will do my best to keep the secret of who I am. I'm going to do it because this girl is worth it."

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