Chapter 11 (Children of the Moon)

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Elizabeth and Matthew sneak into her home together while making out when she heard a coughing," Hey!"

"Care to tell me who is this?"

"This is Matthew, My boyfriend and Matt this is my sister Valerie..." Valerie and Matthew then shake each other hand," It's midnight, You should probably go!" Eliza said to Matthew, they both kissed and then Matthew left.

"So that's the famous Matthew Devereaux, huh? He's cute!" Valerie teased with her sister,"Where's Mum?"

"She picked up dad, He's coming home today!"

"Oh Okay, I'm gonna head upstairs to get some sleep!" Eliza said to her sister.

Liam was sleeping on the couch at Elaine's old apartment while Michael sleep on his bed, Michael open his eyes and heard a whisper calling him his name, the same thing happen to Meghan and Leanne and any other witches in Secret Hills.

Michael open his eyes and realize woke up full of sweat and realize that the lamp beside him flickering and it start to overheat and pop out," What the hell?"

Liam start having a nightmare, he was standing near a hospital bed and then he saw Michael lying on top of the bed with doctors and nurses surrounding him, cable and life support all connected to Michael until the heart monitor turn flat," Time of death..." The doctor say. Liam bow beside Michael and cry then he woke up and run to Michael's room and saw Michael was sitting on the bed with sweat all over his body.

"What's happen?" Liam walk to Michael and hug him," The Blood Moon!"

"What do you mean?"

"Someone casting a dark spell!" Michael said to him," Can you pinpoint its location?"

"I can try!"

"Alright, You try I'm going to call Meghan and the other to let them know!"

"Alright!" then the ground start to shake," It's happening?"

"What do you mean?"

"The spell? Go to the kitchen, first drawer on the left...get the map and a knife." Liam does exactly as he say and brought him the map and a kitchen knife," What you going to do with all of this?" Michael open make a small cut on his hand and spread his blood all over the map, he began chanting a spell in Aramaic language. The blood slowly come together and create a pentagram on one spot.

"Got it!"

"Town Park?"

"Yeah!" Michael and Liam rode Liam's bike and head to the town park but before that he text the other to meet him there.

At the town park they both meet up with Matthew, Catherine and Meghan.

"Is that?" Matthew ask Catherine," Bastianna Deschamp!"

Bastianna was standing in the middle of a flaming pentagram casting a spell," What she's doing?"

"Whatever it is its not good!" Megan answer Liam.

"She's gaining power from the blood moon!" then Matthew, Catherine and Liam start to scream in pain.

"Come Child!" Bastianna said to Meghan and Michael," What do you want?"

"Lend me your power and we shall be the strongest coven in this world, they will fear us!" then Leanne come appear with a group of witches chanting a spell," Get the wolf and the vampires away from here!" Leanne order Michael and Meghan. They nodded and carry Matthew, Catherine and Liam away from there.

The witches of Secret Hill start to chant a spell together making Bastianna weak, Marius come and run away from there with her.

Matthew and Catherine woke up to unfamiliar place," Where are we?"

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