Chapter 15 (Midnight in the Bourbon Street)

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One more Chapter before the end of Part One....


After what happen they three ate a seafood restaurant and Catherine order a huge meal," Why so many? We just killed the whole cast of Finding Nemo!" Michael said sarcastically. They left the seafood restaurant at dusk and the festival already started and they had fun watching them until midnight," Crept, it's midnight!" Liam, Catherine, and Michael then head to the Beauregard-Keyes House to begin the ritual.

"Are you ready?" Liam asks Michael while they stand in front of the house.

"Yeah, I'm kinda nervous." Without Michael's expectation Liam grabs his face and pulls him into their first kiss," What's that for?"

"Good Luck! I guess!" Liam smiles. Sonya appears on the porch," Michael, It's time!"

"Sonya!" Catherine greets her.

"Ms. Devereaux!" Sonya bows down at her. Michael walks into the house with Sonya. Liam and Catherine can't come in due to the newly cast spell around the house to prevent supernatural besides witches to enter the house and disturb the ritual.

"Don't worry the ritual will finish at Dawn!" Sonya informs before closing the door.

"It still a festival, You wanna get some bourbon?" Catherine said to Liam and Liam nods.

At the Secret Hill, Matthew and Eliza was making out on Matthew's house when there is a knock on the door," Who is it?" Eliza said. Matthew open the door and it was a surprise," Hello Matthew!" the man on the door greets him.

Meghan finally get the translation of the hidden pages on the book, and show it to Zachary and Daniel," Alright, What do you want to show us?"

"Let's just say that I found mind blowing thing!"

"What?" Meghan show them the book and the translation that stick with post-it," The History of Vampire!"

"Yeah, okay dated back to Ancient Greek during a war between Arcadia and a small kingdom called Cynuria. The war broke when the King Of Arcadia and his offspring were cursed into a creature known today as Lycanthrope or Werewolf. Prince Lysander Xantopoulous, son of King Xanthos worry about his people and his younger siblings, the twin Markos and Korrina. So they consult a witch to create a spell using the blood of Strix owl, then the witch gave them a chalice fill with the strix blood, Lysander forcely fed his siblings with the blood and killed them both then he drink the drink the blood himself killed his siblings and himself, they reanimated and become the creature known as Vampire. the original plan was to feed the blood to his army but the werewolf ransack his entire kingdom. Lysander and his siblings left their kingdom to save themselves."

"Anything else?" Daniel looks at her.

"Well, My mother just got back from Salem last night with some of Elaine's collection and I found this!"

"What?" Daniel asks. Meghan show them a scroll," this is written in 876 A.D in modern day England. There is a three royalties known themselves as the Trinity of Strix, Lysander, Markos and Korrina.

I check all the scroll and record and the last one I found is in 1880 but this one is from Siberia, look who's in the picture. Meghan put a portrait from 1020 A.D beside a portrait from 1881 in Siberia," See any similarity?"

"That's..." Before Daniel finish his sentence Meghan butt in," That's Markos Xantopoulous or in Siberia his known as Markos Dragunov.

"Weirdest thing we didn't found anything on the other siblings just Markos the last record they both seen is in Rome, 1001 A.D.

At Matthew's doorstep a man was standing there with a bag on his bag," Caleb Faulkner." Matthew gave him a brohugs," Matt, Who is it?" Eliza come in," Eliza this is Caleb Faulkner, My friend and this is Elizabeth Yves my girlfriend."

"Yeah, Nice to meet you!" Caleb shook Eliza's hand," Caleb and I have been friend since 1924, when we were in Chicago, Caleb is a vampire too!"

"Woow..wait...she's human?" Caleb look at Eliza.

"Yes, she is..."

"And she know about us?"

"Yes, Come in, I had Ichabod set up a room for you."

Back to New Orleans it's dawn, Michael finish his ritual and immediately head back to the Catherine's apartment to find Catherine and Liam was passed out drunk, Catherine was sleeping on the couch while Liam on the bed. Liam realize Michael come in and smile," Hey, You're back!" Liam said with hangover voice," hey, Just go back to sleep...I'll make you some French toast." Liam move to Michael to kiss him," Nope...You smells like alcohol." Liam growl and pull Michael gleefully force him to kiss him.

After kissing him Michael walk to kitchen and starts cooking for three of them. The clock struck 10 A.M and Liam just finish taking a shower and smell a delicious food coming from the kitchen, so he walk to the kitchen," So, What are you making?" Liam hug Michael," So we're on touching state now?" Michael tells him sarcastically.

"So, How's last night?"

"I feel more alive and powerful!"

"How powerful are you?" Michael close his eyes and the ground start to shaking for a moments," A Lot more powerful!" Liam seems impresses. Michael put the French toast on the table and Liam start eating until Catherine shows up all dressed and perfect she's taking a sit and start eating," So, We're gonna go back to Secret Hill?" Liam look at Michael.

"We can't just yet, I still have things to do!" Michael answer. Then a man barged into the apartment," You're right, he lost it!"

"You're the guy that attack us yesterday!" Liam point him.

"Yes, My name is Ezekiel Houghton, Alpha Vince went bad shit crazy, he just killed a female pack member in front of us."

"Oh My God!" Michael gasped.

"Did he said anything else?" Liam ask him.

"He said about going to Secret Hill to find a woman named Leanne Westbury he thinks that he had the necklace!" Michael stand up and immediately dial Meghan," Hello!"

"Meg, It's me...I need to warn you something, did your mother bring back a necklace from Salem?" Michael ask her.

"You have to be more specific, there is a ton of necklace here!" Liam then ask Ezekiel," Can you describe the necklace?"

"Yeah, it's a pentagram necklace with a moonstone in the middle." Ezekiel said to the speaker phone," Wait..." Meghan search the necklace and finds it," Got it!"

"Yeah, I want you to destroy it!" Michael said to her.


"There is a pack of werewolf heading to the town and they want the necklace...they're bad luck now destroys the freaking necklace before the alpha got his freaking hand on that necklace."

"Okay, I try..." Liam starts to call his brother with his phone," Bro, I need you to set a perimeter around our Secret Hill and tell the Devereaux vampire about it."

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