Chapter 19 (As I Lay Dying)

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Eliza just finish taking a shower and ready to go to college when someone send her a text message, when she open it there is a picture of Vicky tied down in a chair which make Eliza shocked then there is a text message under the picture;" Frey's mansion- Noon." Eliza check the time on her phone and immediately use her mother's car and drove to Frey's mansion. When she arrive there Liam and Meghan was also there," What's wrong?"

"I got a text about Vicky!" Meghan answer," You too, Liam?"

"No, I thought Michael was going to see you then I got this message!" Liam shows his phone and see Michael picture with a chain cuff on his hand. So they get into the house when suddenly someone attack them and knock them unconscious.

Few moments later they wakes up in a dungeon like prison," Where are we?" Eliza look to her side to find Liam, Michael and Meghan tied with a chains.

"We don't know where are we!"

"I can't use my magic!" Meghan said. When suddenly they heard a tumbling sound coming from ceiling, " CALEB?" Eliza look at Caleb who come rescue them," Darius and Luciana kidnap you but Matthew and I track you down."

"What about Vicky?"

"She's fine, Markos compel her to forget about what happen to her, Luciana and Darius fled." Caleb walk to them and released their chain," I can't walk!" Michael said.

"What do you mean?" Liam look at Michael. Then Michael show them a chain on his feet," This chain is imbued with magic you break it I'll die." Caleb look around the room and grab a dirt from the ground," You have exactly 5 second to let your feet go, the dirt neutralizes this type of magic for five second."

"Wait!" Michael said to Caleb and Caleb looking at him," We need to move fast!"

"What do you mean?" Michael point at the table behind them," It's red phosphorus and potassium chloride, this place going to explode soon."

"Alright, Liam...Take Eliza and Meghan out from here!" Caleb order Liam.

"What about Michael?"

"I'll be fine, Go!" Michael said. Liam gave Michael a kiss then go with Meghan and Eliza. Outside Matthew waits for them," Oh My God!" Matthew give her a kiss. Few second later Caleb and Michael get out from the dungeon a second before it explodes.

Liam and Michael arrives at Michael's apartment," Here!" Liam check on Michael's ankle who was twist during their escapes," Are you okay?" Liam ask Michael.

"Apart the bruises on my feet, I lived!"

"I'm gonna order dinner for us any special request?"

"I want Pizza!" Michael giggle.

"You kidnap them then you let them go?" Darius glare at Luciana.

"Kidnapping them was the plan!"

"What do you mean?"

"I want that bitch, Eliza out from her house so I can compel her mother to do my bidding by kidnapping Vicky and Michael, one let to another, the wolf, Liam, Meghan and Matthew will come to the rescue making it easier to get close to Rebecca Yves." Luciana start to call someone on her phone.

Matthew, Eliza, and Meghan hangs out at Eliza's house while Rebecca cooks at the kitchen then Rebecca's phone ring. Rebecca pick up the phone," Hello, Rebecca... Do it now!" After hearing Luciana's voice, Rebecca pull a knife from the kitchen drawer and walk in front of Eliza, Matthew and Meghan.

"Mum, What are you doing?" Eliza look at her mother in horror.

"I have a message from Luciana Graham! It's on!" Rebecca slit her own throat in front of everyone which make Eliza and Meghan scream in horror. Matthew walk to Rebecca to check her and shock," Eliza..."

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