Chapter 20 (The Awakening)

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 Liam standing near a hospital bed and then he saw Michael lying on top of the bed with doctors and nurses surrounding him, cable and life support all connected to Michael until the heart monitor turn flat," Time of death... 11:45". Liam realizes that he dreamt about this before but he never thought that it would happening, he bow beside Michael who was blued, and stop breathing. He's holding Michael's hand and crying," I'm so sorry..." few second later Matthew and Eliza come into the room, seeing Michael. Eliza cry on Matthew's chest. Liam walk to Matthew," Please safe him!" Liam bow in front of Michael.

"You do realizes if I turn him into vampire, he will never forgives you..."

"I don't care, Just please safe him."

"No..." Matthew refuses.

"Please...I'm begging you." Matthew slaps Liam," Listen to me, You're not clearly thinking...He's gone, Liam..." Eliza hugs Liam who was crying uncontrollably until Liam's eyes glow. Liam run out of the hospital and turn into his werewolf form. He run blindly until he found himself in front of a house, he look through the window and saw Luciana was sitting on a sofa.

Seeing Luciana trigger something inside Liam, he barges open the house and attack Luciana, Liam pinned her to the wall ready to kill her," Why? Why did you kill him?" Liam cry in front of Luciana.

Liam ready to rip her heart out when Luciana start talking," I know a way to get that witch-boy to your arms."

"You lie!" Liam dig his hand deeper into Luciana's chest, Luciana grab her pocket and show him something," Look familiar?"

"The Blood Medallion!" few moments later Liam release his grips on Luciana.

"That's it boy!"

"I thought the medallion is destroyed!"

"That's where you're wrong, boy... the medallion can be separates into two, the front for prisoning Bastianna and the back power is where all the power."

"If you wants your boyfriend comes back to you all you had to do is follow all my words, deal?" Liam go silent for a few moments until he start speak up," What do you want me to do?"

"Very good, you have 24 hours to deliver me the heart of Carter Radcliffe and vampire's heart...Can you do it?" Luciana walk to Liam put her hand on Liam's chest," Come on, don't you want Michael come back into your arms again... feel his tender lips and his skin against your skin!"

"I'll do it!"

"That's the spirit...remember Liam, 24 hours!" Liam get out from the house and run back to the hospital.

"That's your grand plan? Using a werewolf to do your dirty work?" Darius speaks behind Luciana.

"To do the ritual, the witch and the vampire must be kill by a vampire and the human and vampire part can only be kill by werewolf but not just any werewolf, but a lone wolf... and that boy is the perfect candidates."

"You stage the whole thing didn't you?"

"Of course, I told Elaine Wu to destroy the medallion before she could finish Michael's connection ritual. I put the idea to Michael to go to New Orleans to finish his ritual. I assures Geraldine the runaway witch of New Orleans to fight Liam just to make sure my suspicious is right that he's the lone wolf."

"You're wicked!"

"Did I forget to tell you that I gave the spell that destroy the medallion to Elaine? I gave the spell to destroy the other half of the medallion but not the other half."


After Elaine, Michael, Leanne and Meghan finish the ritual and they all went home, Luciana come into the scene and walk to the ashes of the medallion, she dig the ashes and take the other half of the medallion.

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