Chapter 25 (Clash of the Titans)

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"I know...I'm so lazy right now..." Eliza said to Matthew on the phone as she walks back to her classroom and sit next to Meghan," I gotta go... bye!" Eliza turn off her phone.

"Are you alright?" Meghan look at Eliza," Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know its just you look awful..."

"Yeah, seriously...I got drunk last night and I have to wake up 8 am with killer hangover." Then a strange woman come in, she have a long curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and beautiful.

"Good morning everyone, I'm Doctor Jane Wickham...I'll be your new substitute teacher until your old teacher return from his vacation...I'll tell you a little secret about me, I was born in Northampton, England and this is my second time here in America... that's enough introduction for me now...let's start shall we?" She open her book and start lecturing about medical stuff.

After three hours of lecture the class finally dismissed," Ms. Elizabeth Yves and Ms. Meghan Westbury?" Doctor Wickham call them before they step out of the classroom," Yes?" Eliza turn to her.

"Very good, Doctor Vanessa Blackthorn said a good thing about you both, you both are her intern indeed?"


"How charming! Miss Yves and Miss would you like to participate on my research assignment?"

Meghan and Eliza look at each other," Sure! When can we start?"

"Right now! Follow me!" Jane took them into the basement of the university," Where are we going?" Meghan ask her.

"You'll see!" Jane then open a locked room from the basement, when she open it, it was a research center," What are we doing here?"

"You both are going assist me to help with my research, I will give you extra credit for assisting me and by the way...keep an open mind!" Jane walk to a huge rectangular object cover in white veil. She open the veil and it was revealed to be two separate tanks," Oh My God!" Eliza and Meghan shocked to see what's inside the tank.

Inside the tank there were a female, seems to be in unconscious state with tube stuck into her mouth the other tank was a male in a same condition," This is female is called Subject 50 and the male is subject 45!"

"What did you do to them?" Eliza look at Jane with spiteful look," Before you judge anything, I can tell you that the female what we called Homo Nosferatu Vampiris and the male was Lycanthropy also known as..."

"Vampire and Werewolf!" Meghan continue her sentences.

"That's nonsense, there's no such thing as..."

"Vampire and Werewolf..." Jane smile at them. she then press a button and then a blood pour inside the female tank," Vampire is a creature who survives by human blood. I kept them in a sleeping states but keep their sense on alert, all I had to do is pump a blood into the tank and here what you get!" The female vampire start to reacted to the blood by shaking her body," Now for the werewolf all we had to do is inject a small dosage of wolfsbane into the tank and look at the reaction!" when the wolfsbane hit his skin; the skin start to burns," Believe me now!"

"This is inhuman!" Eliza look at Jane,"This is for human benefit, think about it...we could make a cure for cancer, they're fascinating...look with all of this healing factor think about it, We could win a noble prize for this!"

"We'll think about it!" Eliza and Meghan left the room and head to Matthew's house.

"What did that punching bag ever do to you?" Michael look at Liam who keep punching the punching bag until it finally burst open.

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