New Soldiers ~ Ereri

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(Top!Eren and Bottom!Levi. Yeah, I am a strong supporter of Bottom!Levi.

Eren's POV

I nervously wait outside of the bathroom. Levi has just taken a pregnancy test. We are suspecting that he's pregnant. He's showing multiple symptoms, so that's where our suspicion came from.

"Levi, are you okay?" I ask the captain. "Yes!" He replies quickly. Is everything alright? Are the results negative or positive?! I wonder.

"You can come in." Levi says weakly. I take a deep breath and open the door. "What are the results?" I ask. "I don't want to look." Levi says. I can hear in his voice that he has been crying.

I look at the test. I then see the most unexpected result. I see a little '+'. It's positive! I'm gonna be a dad!

"Levi, you might want to sit down for this." I say. He gives me a questioning look and sits on the edge of the bathtub. I hand him the test. He puts a hand over his mouth when he sees the result. I can see he's shocked. "We're going to be dads!" I cheer. Levi is still very shocked.

"What? I am, what?!" Levi stutters out. " Calm down, please." I say. "I just can't believe that we're getting the chance to have kids!" Levi exclaims. "I know, now we just have to wait 9 long months." I say. Well fuck! I think. I have to wait 9 whole months to see my child?

~8 Grueling Months Later~

Levi and I are sleeping peacefully in bed. He has been in some pain today, but we ignored it. We're sure it's nothing serious.

I feel someone shaking my shoulder. "Eren! Eren!" I hear Levi whisper yell. "Huh?" I ask tiredly. "Callum, and Hiro want to come early." He states. My eyes widen at his statement. Is, is, he in labor?!

"Babe, tell me if you feel pain in your lower abdomen." I say. Levi nods. About 10 minutes later, Levi tells me he feels pain in his lower abdomen. "Tell me if and when you feel it again." I say. "Okay." Levi says, panting.

I intertwine my hand with his. A moment later, he squeezes my hand. That must be a sign that the pain is back.


"Eren, my water broke." Levi says in a pain filled voice. "I'll go get Hanji. Just stay calm." I say.

I get out of bed and immediately fall, face down on the floor. Another pleasant wake up. I get up and run to get Hanji. (Aka, shitty glasses)


Me and Hanji run back into mine and Levi's bedroom. Levi looks like he's in more pain than ever.

I sit next to him and hold his hand. "Just squeeze my hand if you have to. I'll be right here through it all." I say to Levi. This looks like it reassured him a little.


"Fuck! I can't do this!" Levi exclaims, squeezing my hand intensely. "Yes you can, Levi. You've battled Titans before. This can't be much different." I say. "Titans don't try to come out of my damn body." Levi growls. I find it cute when he's pissed at me.

"Okay, Levi, the baby will be here soon. Just stay strong." Hanji says.


Levi lets out a pain filled scream. "The head is crowning!" Hanji announces. I am so excited! I'll be able to meet my twin sons very soon. All these agonizing months and hours will be worth it!

"Callum will be here soon." I whisper to Levi happily. Levi pushes one more time and I hear loud cries. "You did it Levi! Our first son is here." I cheer quietly.


About 1 whole hour later, Hiro enters the world. Hanji takes the twins away to be cleaned. I stay behind and hold Levi's hand. "You did it Levi. You successfully delivered both of our sons." I say. Levi nods tiredly and rolls over on his side. "Careful Levi." I warn.

"Are you okay?" I ask. This is scaring me. He's never ignored me before.

Hanji comes back holding the twins. She hands them to me. "Wanna hold one?" I ask Levi. He shakes his head no. "Eren, I'm sorry to say this, but Levi suffering from post pardom depression." Hanji says, putting a hand on my shoulder. This is just what I feared. I never wanted this to happen.

"How long will it take for him to recover?" I ask. "It depends. In his case it will probably take a few months." Hanji replies. I nod, understanding. "Congratulations." Hanji says weakly as she walks out.

I put Callum and Hiro in their little beds beside the hospital like bed Levi is laying on. "Hey, Levi. I know you don't feel well at all right now. Just know that I'm here for you." I say. "Mmhm." Levi replies. I hope this doesn't take long to disappear.

~A few months later~

Levi's post pardom depression had disappeared. Now he spends about every moment of the day with Callum and Hiro. I spend about the same amount of time with the twins.

Callum has inherited Levi's raven hair, and height. Little Callum has also inherited my tan skin, and green eyes. He looks a lot like a fair mixture of both of us. I hope he has Levi's personality.

Hiro has inherited Levi's grey eyes and skin tone. His hair color is a darker shade of brown than mine. He also has my height. Me and Levi both hope he has my personality.

Name: Callum Lee Ackerman - Jaeger
Parents: Eren Jaeger and Levi Ackerman
Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz
Length: 14 in
Time: 5:58am
Date: October 27, 2016
Hospital: none. At home birth

Name: Hiro Adam Ackerman - Jaeger
Parents: Eren Jaeger and Levi Ackerman
Weight: 10 lbs
Length: 16 in
Time: 6:59am
Date: October 27, 2016
Hospital: none. At home birth

The end. Damn, what an adventure. I haven't really seen any MPregs where the carriers have post pardom depression, so I wanted to add it in this one shot. Bye Aqualines!

Video Above - Right Here Lyrics (Song by Ashes Remain)
Video by - Bill Kearns

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