Tour Baby ~ Andley

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Not a request

(Ashley dominant, Andy submissive)

Ashley's POV

"Andy, baby, are you sure you still want to do the concert today?" I ask my husband of one year. "Yes, I'll be fine. Don't worry," Andy replies. "But you're so close to your due date, what if you go into labor during the show?" I ask, worriedly. Andy always pushes himself way too hard, no matter how many times we tell him not to. He's too stubborn!

"Ashley, I'm fine. Stop worrying so much. Now, let's go see what the other's are doing," Andy suggests. I nod and help him up. He leans on me a bit as we walk to the main part of the tour bus.

"Morning guys! How's my favorite nephew?" CC asks. "He or she is fine, actually. Although, it is always active," Andy replies. "Damn, you guys slept late. It's already 10:35," Jake says. "Hey, my Angel needed his beauty rest. He can't help it if the baby gives him trouble," I retort.

Andy smiles and rests his head on my shoulder. I instinctively wrap my arm around him and pull him closer. In minutes, he's asleep. I carefully rest my hand on Andy's baby bump. I feel a few very strong kicks. How does Andy stand this? In the first few months I beg I would be begging for that thing to be out of me. Andy sure is tough as nails; no doubt there.

Andy's POV

When I finally wake, my head is still resting on Ashley's shoulder. I hear him, CC, Jake, and Jinxx talking. "We shouldn't do the concert today. We need to cancel," Ashley says. "Yeah, I'm afraid that he'll go into labor during the show. Then, where will we be?" Jinxx asks. "That's what I fear. I'm one of Andy's exes, of course I'm worried about him," CC says.

Yeah, I remember dating CC. It only lasted 2 months. We didn't do anything, either!

Then, I feel a wave of pain shoot through my body. I bite my lip and accidentally let out a quiet whine. Ashley turns to me. "You're awake! What's wrong? I heard your whine," Ashley asks. "I'm fine," I insist. He gives me a "whatever you say" look and turns back to Jake and the other guys.

Ten minutes later, another wave of pain passes over me. This time, I'm laying on a couch while Ashley rubs my back. "Fuck," I whisper under my breath. Ashley gives me a concerned look. "Andy, something has to be wrong," he says. I sigh in annoyance, "I'm fine."

Then, eight minutes later, another wave of pain, worst than the last two, hits me. It causes me to yelp. Fuck! I shouldn't have done that. Wait, this pain, well waves of pain are consistent. That means....they're contractions. That means.....oh, fuck! I'm probably going into labor!

I hear someone running to me. Ashley bursts through the door. "Andy, are you okay?!" He asks. I nod quickly, "I think I'm in labor!" Yeah, I'm being dramatic, but I have more than a right to be!

Ashley sits beside me on the bed. I sit up and lean back on pillows. Ashley holds my hand. "Just squeeze it if you feel any pain," he says. I close my eyes and breath. This is just the first stage, it shouldn't be so bad. Only the end of it is very painful.

I take a deep breath and squeeze Ashley's hand as another contraction fades. They're getting stronger and closer together. "Damn, that must hurt," CC says. "Promise me that we'll never have kids," Jinxx says to CC. CC nods, "I promise."

Yeah, he, Jinxx, and Jake joined us in the room. They thought it would be a good idea to be in here while I'm giving birth. There's nothing interesting to see!

"I think I need to walk around," I inform Ashley. "I've heard it's great to walk around through the beginning stages of labor," he says. I roll my eyes. Whatever.

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