Fight Tonight ~ Jinxxley

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Not a request.....

(Ashley dominant, Jinxx submissive.)

Jinxx's POV

"Ashley, I—"

"No, Jinxx. I don't want to hear it," Ashley storms off to our bedroom. He's totally pissed at me.

We were on a date and this really hot guy caught my attention. I know it's not right for me to find someone else attractive while I'm dating someone, especially since I'm pregnant with their child.

So, anyways, I started flirting with the guy. It was all an accident, though! I didn't mean to. Thus, Ashley was pissed. Especially when we left.

With the memories in my mind, I go to our bedroom. I sit beside Ashley on the bed. "Ashy, baby, I'm so sorry," I say to him.

He glares at me. "Damn it, Jinxx. I said I didn't want to hear it! It's obvious that you loved that prick of a man more than me! Why don't you admit it?"

"Ash, I don't have true feelings for him at all. He led me on," I reply. It's a lie, but maybe Ashley will fall for it.

"Quit lying. I know you love him."

I look away from him. The tone of his voice brings tears to my eyes. It's scaring me. Will I lose my Ashy tonight?

I lay on my side of the bed, facing away from Ashley. He obviously does not want to acknowledge me right now.

"So, now you're going to feel sorry for yourself?" He asks bitterly. I bite down on my lip harshly to keep from crying. "I-I'm not. I'm j-just trying to l-leave you alone a-and you just want to b-be a prick!" I reply.

I can pretty much feel Ashley's cold look. "Say that again, Ferguson."

I look him in the eye, "You're. A. Prick."

When he harshly grabs my wrist, I feel pain shoot through my body. I shrug it off; nothing can be happening, right?

"Don't you ever call me that again. Otherwise, I will not be here in the morning," he says lowly and let's go of my wrist.

We both fall silent. Then, Ashley gets out of bed and goes downstairs. Please don't tell me he's leaving! I didn't call him a prick again!

I feel slight cramping in my sides. I carefully rub them to help ease it. Usually Ashley does that, but he won't tonight.

I strip down to my boxers and get under the covers in bed. It will be lonely without Ashley tonight. But, I'll manage.

*4 Hours Later*

I wake up in intense pain. I look at the digital clock on my beside table. It reads 3:23am.

I breath so I can ease the pain. When it doesn't work, I know something's wrong.

"Ashley!" I yell, only half expecting him to come, "Ashley!"

I hear footsteps run up the stairs. Then, I see a dark figure at the door. "Y-Yes?" Ashley asks breathlessly.

"I-I think the baby's coming," I reply.

Ashley gets to my side. He helps me get dressed. I really count on him to do everything. I can't even force myself as of now.

After I'm dressed, Ash helps me to the car. Once we're both in, he puts the key in the ignition. He holds my hand as he drives to the hospital. This will be a long night...

*1 Hour Later*

Only 5 centimeters. Just five fucking centimeters.

The doctors say I'm doing great. That's some real BS right there. I feel terrible! And, this kid isn't even out yet.

Ashley is staying at my side. He's only left once to call everyone so they could come later or wait in the waiting room.

"Jinxxy, I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier," he says to me, "I was a prick." "Ashy, it's okay. We don't need to worry about that now. Our baby will be here soon," I reply breathlessly.

He softly kisses my knuckles. "I love you."

"I love you too," I reply. I then feel the pain of a contraction. I squeeze Ashley's hand as it passes over. He holds my hand with both of his. "Just breath," he whispers and softly kisses my neck.

Then, Dr. Hector comes in. He kneels down in front of the sheet over my legs. He then checks my dilation again, which is very uncomfortable.

"Good news, you're seven centimeters dilated. Just three more. I'll be back later," Dr. Hector says, "but, if anything drastic happens, call the nurse's desk." Ashley nods as Hector walks out. I'm surprised he didn't jump on him for looking, um, down there.

*4 Hours Later*

I cry out in pain as I push again. Ashley is trying his best to comfort me, but it's not really working. Of course I had to reject an epidural.

"I can't do it," I cry, "it's too much." "Jinxxy, baby, you can. Just try. You're one of the strongest guys I know. You can do it!" Ashley insists.


About half an hour later, our little boy, Isaac, is in my arms. Ashley is still at my side. I can't believe that 13 hours ago, he was threatening to leave me. He gently kisses my temple. "I told you that you could do it," he whispers. "Fuck off," I reply.

Then, I see a familiar face appear in the doorway; it's CC. "It's Uncle CC!" He says and walks in.

"CC, what the hell?" Ashley asks. "What? You were the one who called," CC says. "So, can I see the baby?" Ashley looks at me for permission and I nod. I hand Isaac to him and he hands him to CC.

"He's so cute!" CC squeals as Ashley holds my hand. "Wow, Cee, didn't know you could squeal," Ash says. He earns a small glare from CC.

"I'm exhausted," I tell Ash. "I'm sure you are," he says and kisses my forehead. "Does that mean I have to leave?" CC asks. "No," Ash replies, "just be quiet." CC nods, smiling.

I roll over on my side and close my eyes. CC and Ash continue to talk to each other quietly. Soon, I find myself asleep. It's been a hell of a night.

Isaac Malcolm Purdy

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