Unexpected ~ HideKane

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(Hide dominant, Kaneki submissive.)
-Hide is pronounced Hee-DAY

Yes, I support top!Hide.

3rd Person

Kaneki and Hide are taking a peaceful walk in the park. It would be more peaceful if their eight month old daughter wasn't so active. It is causing Kaneki some discomfort, but he didn't mind it. He won't let Hide know unless it gets unbearable.

"So, what's our little girl up to today?" Hide asks as he pulls Kaneki close. "She's kicking, but it's nothing too uncomfortable," Kaneki replies. "I wonder why your stomach isn't as stretched out as much as other pregnant people's," Hide says. Kaneki smiles at his boyfriends confusion. "Our little girl is probably growing closer to the back of the uterus," he explains. "Wow, books sure have made you brainy," Hide jokes.

"I can't wait for her to come," Kaneki says. "Me either," Hide replies as he rests a hand on Kaneki's baby bump. The little girl doesn't like this! She kicks her father's hand to tell him to stop. "She sure has a mind of her own already," Hide laughs. Then, he leans in and kisses Kaneki passionately.

"Stop, we're in public!" Kaneki complains as he blushes. "But I wove you!" Hide says like a child. "I know you love me, but we can do a lot more of that at home," Kaneki says. Erotic thoughts fill Hide's mind, "Let's go home."

Hide and Kaneki hold hands as they walk to Hide's car. Hide gets in the driver's side and Kaneki gets in the passenger's side. "'Ya know, I didn't mean sex," Kaneki says. Hide looks over at his half ghoul boyfriend. "Why'd you think I was thinking of that?" He asks nervously. "I saw the expression on your face," Kaneki replies. Hide blushes even more. "Damn you."

Kaneki smiles to himself. He flustered his hard-to-fluster boyfriend. Soon after, his stomach begins to cramp. It isn't regular stomach cramps. They are a lot more painful.

Hide takes notice that Kaneki is experiencing discomfort. "Kaneki, is everything alright?" He asks, giving his partner a caring look. "I'm fine. It's just cramps," Kaneki replies. Hide raises an eyebrow, "I don't believe you." Kaneki glares at Hide and ignores him. He is truly fine. Or is he?

The cramps continue to get worse. A wave of pain accompanies them. Kaneki doesn't know if he can take much more. "Hide," he says. Hide glances over at him, but makes sure to keep his eyes on the road to prevent a wreck, "Yes?" "Something's wrong!" Kaneki replies. Hide jumps at Kaneki's dramatic statement and looks over at him. "What? What's going on?" He asks. "I'm having really bad cramps and pain," Kaneki replies.

Hide grabs his hand and holds it, "Should I get you to a hospital?" Kaneki shakes his head, "no." "I'm sure the pain will go away once we get home," he insists. Hide looks at him skeptically. "Kan, I know you better than anyone. I know when you're in pain. And, you must be in pain. You're a ghoul! It shouldn't bother you as bad! That's why I think something is wrong," he explains. "I'm fine!" Kaneki exclaims. He gets that Hide is worried, but this is really annoying him.

The couple sits in silence. ‘Why did I have to fight with Hide? He's just worried. The baby could come early. I should've respected his instincts,'  Kaneki thought to himself. He sighs in annoyance. ‘Why must I have mood swings? One minute, I'll be sad and apologetic. The next minute, I'm annoyed and pissy. This is annoying!'

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