Angel ~ Amoneki

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Not a request

Amon dominant, Kaneki submissive

(I don't ship this at all.....)

Kaneki's POV

"It'll be okay, Ken. Everything will be alright," Amon assures me. How can he be so sure? This child will be a ghoul human hybrid. It probably won't live! What if my body thinks it's food? Amon and I will be crushed!

"B-But what of m-my body accidentally mistakes it for food?" I ask him. "Kaneki, I'm sure it won't," he insists. "But it happens a lot. What if it happens to us?" I question. "We can get through this. I promise. Your worrying won't make it any easier on the child," Amon points out.

He's right. I need to relax and hope for the best. Not expect the worst.

"But Kaneki, we'll need to keep this a secret," Amon says. I nod, "It's best for all of us. Especially you." "No, especially you and the baby. What if someone took you away from me after they found out?" Amon corrects. I don't answer. He shyly kisses my cheek.

"We will get through this. Just as long as it's a secret..."

-4 Months Later-

This whole pregnancy thing isn't a complete secret anymore. Other ghouls like Hinami and Touka have sniffed me out. They recognize Amon's scent. I wish ghoul's weren't so different from humans. Then, I would be able to keep this from everyone. I don't want anyone else finding out.

"So, who's the father?"

I look at Touka. "Touka, I told you that I'm not telling you," I reply. She raises an eyebrow, "Well, I've already found it out. The father is Kotaro Amon." "How did you find that out? You just know his scent, not name," I say.

Touka smirks, "There is so much you don't know about ghoul's," she laughs. "Oh, ha ha, I am a dumbass. So comical," I say in an exaggerative tone. "Woah, don't get so hormonal with me," Touka says. I glare at her. "It's not my fault. I'm not controlling it."

"Yeah, but you could try to control it a little."

"How so?"

Touka shrugs. "I don't know, find out with that brain of yours. Anyways, I'm off to my shift. You're so lucky Amon got you knocked up. Now you don't have to work. That means more work for me."

"I'll repay you once the kid is born," I say. Touka looks back at me, "You better."

She must care for me a little. I mean, she did take extra shifts at Anteiku so I don't have to work. That shows she must care for me. Or she just wants the baby to be okay. Most likely the baby. She acts like she hates me.

-4 More Months Later-


"You're doing great, Kaneki. Keep going," Amon assures me. I've been having contractions since one in the morning. It's now almost six. This has been going on forever!

"Amon, I don't think this is false. It's been going on for about five hours. I think it's time to call the midwife," I force out. Yes, we did hire a midwife. But, Amon made her swear to keep this whole thing a secret. She agreed, fearing that Amon would literally kill her just as he threatened. He's so protective of me, I love it!

Amon leaves for a minute to call the midwife. I hope she gets here soon. Her name is Atsuko, hopefully she's nice and patient.

He finally comes back into the room. He quickly gets to my side. Only this time, he lets me hold his hand. I squeeze it and he grits his teeth. "Just go with the pain," he says.

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