Middle of the Night ~ Blaaron

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(Aaron dominant, Blaine submissive.)

This is NOT a sneak peek to my book, "Their Legacy."

Blaine's POV

I absolutely cannot sleep! It's 12:27am and I'm wide awake. The baby is very active. He or she is not showing signs of stopping soon. I bite my lip to keep from screaming. This baby is putting me through pure hell.

Aaron sleeps peacefully beside me. I wish could sleep. I pant as the baby (demon) inside of me moves lower. Oh fuck no. I will not go into labor in the middle of the night! I refuse to!

Enough is enough. I have to wake Aaron up. "Aar-Aaron," I say. "Aaron!" "What?" He replies groggily. "The baby is very active. I think it may be coming!" I yelp. Aaron immediately sits up. He takes my hand in his. "Blaine, baby, are you having contractions?" He asks. "No," I reply. As I say this, a wave of pain slices through my abdomen. I groan as it passes. This is a contraction; I guess.

"Y-Yes, a contraction just hit," I say. Aaron kisses my forehead, "We'll go to the hospital if your water breaks. Try to stay calm." "Maybe you should call my Mom and Dad. They'll want to know," I say. Aaron nods, "Will you be okay in here alone?" "Yes," I reply. He gets up and walks out of the room.

I yelp as another contraction fades. How much longer will this last? I get out from under the blankets and sit up on the side of the bed. I rub my baby bump to attempt to calm the baby down. "Please settle down. You're not due for another two weeks."

Then, I feel it. A burst and a warm liquid trickles down my leg. I dig my nails into the mattress underneath me. Aaron comes back into the room. "Aaron, my water broke," I whimper. He rushes to my side. "Don't worry, you Mom and Dad will meet us at the hospital. Try to stay calm," he says. "How the fuck can I stay calm when I'm about to give birth?!" I growl. Aaron doesn't reply.

"I'll go put everything in the car; stay in here," he says. Aaron grabs the overnight bag and jogs out to the car. Hopefully he'll crank it while he's out there. 😒

When Aaron comes back into the room, my contractions are only 6 minutes apart. "Ready?" He asks. "What do you think?' I ask. He helps me up and out to the car. It is already cranked. When we get inside the vehicle, Aaron and I intertwine hands. "Just squeeze with the pain," he says. He pulls out of the driveway and head towards the hospital. I hope the baby can wait..

We finally arrive at the hospital. "Help! My boyfriend is in labor!" Aaron yells as we enter the building. Nurses run to me with a wheelchair. They block Aaron off. Are they not going to let him back?!

"Please, let him back. He's the father," I plead. The nurses exchange a glance and shrug. They get out of his way and let him through.


I scream in pain. "I can't fucking do this!" I yell. I've been pushing for forty-five minutes and the baby still isn't here! "Yes you can, Blaine. Just push at the next contraction," the midwife says. Aaron kisses my cheek. "You can do it. Don't give up," he whispers.

This does encourage me a lot. I bore down and push. I guess it does something because the midwife announces that the head is crowning. I'm in some sort of relief. In a few minutes, this'll all be over.

"Blaine, you can rest for a minute. You deserve it," Aaron says. Fuck it, I want to see my kid! I push and feel a shoulder tear through. "Fuck!" I hiss. I push again and the other shoulder is delivered. "You're doing great! The hard part is over!" The midwife says excitedly. This is reassuring!

As I pant, the rest of the baby slides out. The midwife lifts shim up from between my legs and immediately puts it on my chest. "It's a girl!" She says. The little girl cries loudly. I burst into tears and gently kiss her forehead. I don't care if it's covered in blood, I carried her for 8 hellish months!

She's taken away to be cleaned. I'm being cleaned as well. Aaron tenderly kisses my neck. "You did great. I wouldn't have been able to do that," he says. "Thanks. I love you," I say. "I love you too, Blaine," he replies. "I'll get your parents in a minute." "Great idea. I'm sure they'll want to see her. I'm almost 100% sure that Mom was pacing during this," I say. Aaron chuckles and nods, "You're Mom has been through it. He knows how it feels." "But how the hell did he do it twice?!" I ask. Aaron shrugs.

Our little girl is brought back into the room. She's wrapped in a pink blanket. The nurse carefully hands her to be. "She's a beautiful and healthy girl. Congratulations!" The nurse says. "Thank you," Aaron and I reply.

"Hello, Emily," I say quietly. "Emily sounds like a beautiful name," Aaron replies. Tears of joy (and slight pain) stream down my face. Emily squirms around in her blanket. Aaron coos at her. "May I?" He asks. "Of course, she's your daughter too," I reply. He takes her in his arms. I sit up a little and watch the two. Emily whimpers; Aaron pats her back. She quietens down and falls asleep. "Goodnight, baby girl," Aaron whispers to her and kisses her small, chubby cheek.

"Let's let her rest and then go get you parents," Aaron suggests. "Yeah, I need rest too," I reply. Aaron kisses me as I lay back. I close my eyes and sleep consumes me.

Yeah, I'll update "Their Legacy" soon. I just wanted to write this chapter one shot thingie. Anyways, bye Aqualines!

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