Foals? ~ SunSentry

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Not a request.... A gift for Lopoddity! (Who drew the wonderful art above.)

~Third Person~

"I love you so much~" Sunburst sweetly said to his pegasus husband. "I love you too," Flash replied just as sweetly. The two were resting in a starlit meadow. Flash had his wing wrapped around his smaller husband.

The two were taking a break off of their royal duties for three days. They were currently in Canterlot; far from the Crystal Empire.

Sunburst had a question on his mind that he had been meaning to ask Flash. Although, he just hadn't been able to find the right time. Usually, Flash would get caught up in his duties as a royal guard. But now they were on vacation. Sunburst could ask now, but he just didn't have the courage to.

Flash noticed something off about his husband. Sun was usually nerding out about constellations and the back stories behind them. But, he was quiet tonight. Flash wanted to know why.

So, he gently nuzzled Sunburst's neck. "What's wrong, Sunny?"

Sunburst looked into his husband's dark blue eyes. "Um....." He trailed off. He didn't ink he could ask the question!

"Sunny, you can tell me anything. I promise," Flash urged on.

Sunburst sighed, "Well, um, Flash, have you ever thought about having foals?"

Flash nodded slowly, "I have put in a little thought about adopting a little pegasus or unicorn, but I've never really thought very hard about it. I mean, we just got married a year ago."

Sunburst thought about his husband's comment. It worries him a bit that he hadn't ever thought about this before. Hell, Sun was thinking about it on their six month anniversary!

"It's nice to know that you have thought a little about it," Sunburst smiled, putting his recent thoughts aside. I'm glad he's not freaked out about this.

Sunny sighed and rested his head in his forelegs. He wanted to enjoy the rest of his evening in quiet. With his hubby. And stars gently twinkling in the sky as he named off constellations in his head.

Flash smiled warmly at his once again quiet husband. He was sure he was tired from the travel that day and shaky about their conversation about having foals together.

He carefully pulled Sunburst closer to him with his powerful wing. "Don't worry, Sunbutt. We could have a foal or two one day if you want. I'm sure I can lay off duties for a night or two," he said before winking, attempting to lighten the mood.

That was all Sunburst needed. He smiled brightly, but kept his face hidden. He was extremely happy, but to keep this moment peacefully quiet.

Flash gently kissed the top of Sunbutt's head. This moment was perfect for him. He had his own little Sunny to himself for awhile.

The two were to become parents one day!

Gaaaahhhh! I feel like I messed up on this. If Lop reads this, I'll scream. =3 Hope you guys enjoyed! Bye! ❤

Video Above: Fright Tonight - Jordan Sweeto (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)
Video By: Jordan Sweeto

PS, their foal would be a male unicorn named Astro Bright. ^•^
(He'd be good at astronomy, duh. =D)

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