Not Broken Yet ~ Kellic

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Not a request...

(Vic dominant, Kellin submissive.)

~Third Person~

Of fucking course. I just have to get stuck in traffic,’ Vic thinks to himself. He glares at all of the drivers around him. They're stuck in this hellhole right along with him.

This all wouldn't be bad of Kellin wasn't in labor at a hospital that was half across town. Vic just wants to get to the hospital so he can comfort Kellin. Is that simply too much to ask?

As traffic clears up, Vic speeds up the clear road.

Just to become stuck again. He groans and curses at his luck. ‘I will kill everyone on this freeway till I get to the hospital. That, I swear to Kellin.’

"If only I could find a shortcut," Vic whispers to himself. He feels his phone vibrating in his pocket and retrieves it. "Hello?" He answers.

"Vic! Are you close to the hospital?" Jaime asks from the other end of the phone. "No, sorry. I'm still half across town!" Vic replies. "How's Kells?"

"In pain and really wanting you here," Jaime replies, "Mike is doing his best to comfort him, but it's not working."

"I will get there as soon traffic clears up. I really want to be at Kellin's side right now..." Vic trails off. "I know you do, dude," Jaime says, "just try to find a short break in traffic or better yet, a shortcut!"

"I'll try. Tell Kellin that I love him," Vic says. "Okay, bye," Jaime replies. "Bye," Vic says and hangs up. "C'mon, Vic. Think positive! All I know is that this day can only get better!"

With that being said, the cars in front of him start moving. He smiles and slams his foot down on the gas.

Kellin, if I don't have a fucking wreck before I get to the hospital, I'll see you soon.’


At the hospital, Kellin waits in anticipation for Vic to arrive. He's scared that Vic won't make it in time. This would just make their relationship even more troubled.

See, a few months after Kellin announced his pregnancy, Vic became very stressed out due to school and the fact that he would become a father in a few months. The stress soon turned to anger and a hateful attitude towards people.

Sometimes, Vic would snap at Kellin. Since Kellin was very sensitive during pregnancy, he would either be very upset or just say something even worse. This caused lots of fights in between the two.

Up until now. Now, all they want is to see each other again. Hopefully Vic will be able to make it in time...

"Please tell me Vic is almost here!" Kellin yells as he squeezes Mike's hand. "I don't know. He said traffic was really bad," Jaime says in a voice filled with worry, "sorry. Oh, and he said he love you." He quickly adds.

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