Our Legacy ~ Janxx

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Requested by Paradox_Unicorn

(Jake dominant, Jinxx submissive)

Jinxx's POV

I can't believe I did this....I let Jake get me pregnant. I can't believe I agreed to let him. I just got out of a relationship with CC, and now I'm having a baby with Jake? What the fuck is wrong with me?!

I'll have to tell everyone eventually. I can't just wait four months till I actually start showing! Deep breaths, Jinxx. Deep breaths. I let out a long sigh to relieve myself.

I open the door to the bunk room and immediately meet the brown eyes of my boyfriend, Jake. Oh Fuck. He leans in to kiss me, but I dodge it. He gives me a questioning look. "Jinxx, are you okay?" No! "Yes!" I reply quickly. He narrows his eyes and walks away, "Sure."

I feel sweat begin to coat my forehead and back. I wipe it away with my arm. Why am I so nervous? Jake will love hearing that he's going to be a father. But on the other hand, he may hate this thought. No, Jinxx, no! Do not scare yourself! Everything will be fine! Totally fine!

I take another deep breath and walk to the main part of the bus. I pass CC, who is actually being hygienic and brushing his teeth. Well, I can't really say anything. I used to be the worst.

I sit down across from Andy. I put my head down on the table and hide my face. "You okay?" Andy asks. "I don't know," I reply, my voice muffled. "Wanna talk about it?" He asks. I look up at him, and our eyes meet. It makes me uncomfortable, so I look away.

"Andy, can you keep a secret?" I ask. Andy nods. "Please don't tell anyone!" I continue; I pause. "I'm pregnant." Andy looks at me with confusion, "Who the father?" "Jake, duh!" I reply. Silence falls over the both of us; it's uncomfortable.

"Have you told him?" Andy asks, breaking the uncomfortable silence. I look down at the floor shamefully, "No." "You need to. I'm sure he'll be thrilled!" Andy assures. "Yeah, maybe," I exaggerate.

I walk down the hallway and see Jake. Now is a better time than never. I walk up to him, not very confidently. "Jake, can I speak to you?" I ask. He looks at me and nods, "Of course. What do 'ya need?" I take a deep breath, easing myself, "You know how we've been dating for awhile and had unprotected sex that one night?" Jake nods. "Well, there were some unfortunate consequences. I'm pregnant," I look away from him. He must think I'm a freak, or something.

Instead, I feel arms wrap around me and pull me in a hug. What the fuck? "That's great! How long have you known?" Jake asks. "A day," I reply. "Who else knows?" He asks, again. "Just you, me, and Andy," I answer.

Jake looks like he's on a sugar rush. "That's great!" He exclaims. "So, let me get this straight, we're going to be Dads?" I nod pridefully. His reaction has given me a lot more confidence.

Then, he gets down in front of me like he's going to propose. He delicately places his hands on my flat stomach. "Hello little baby, I'm your Daddy!" He says to my stomach. "You know it can't hear you, right?" I ask. He looks up and me and stands, "Interactions matter!" Then he kisses my lips. "I can't wait for him or her to be here." "Me neither Jake, me neither."

Happy New Year! Sorry for bad chapter. 😀

Above - A cute Janxx video! (I have no fucking idea who made it! *goes derp*)

"This is New Years Day
So rise from the ashes
Faith will find a way
Like lightning crashes
We'll keep marching
On and on
This is New Years Day
So rise from the ashes" - Black Veil Brides, New Years Day.

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