The Argument ~ Danti

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Requested by Kitty4554

(Dark Dominant, Anti Submissive)

Dark's POV

"We need to get rid of Nightmare," Anti says. "What?! Why?" I ask. "Because we're having a baby in a month! We do not need that Hellhound around our daughter!" Anti exclaims. "Nightmare wouldn't hurt a soul. She only eats people if she has to," I claim. "I don't give a fuck, we need that dog out of here!" Anti yells.

Nightmare enters the room and looks at us. She whines, hating to see us fighting. "Remember when she growled at me, she could've bit me! What if that happens to our daughter, huh? If a Hellhound or dog has the courage to growl at a person, it sure as hell could bite them!" Anti points out. He's right, but I will never, ever get rid of my Hellhound.

"Either you get rid of the dog and stay, or keep her and leave!" Anti says, with venom in his voice. "This is my house, too. I have more than a right to choose if Nightmare can stay, or not," I fire back. "Well, the child could get hurt if Nightmare stays here. You must out your child first," Anti says firmly.

I roll my eyes. "I'll see you around, Anti. I hope you enjoy Thalia....alone," I say as I grab the car keys and Nightmare's leash. Nightmare trots up to my side. Anti doesn't look sad, nor happy that I'm leaving. He looks...emotionless.

As I turn to close the door, Anti gets my attention. "Dark! Wait! The baby's coming!" He yells. My eyes widen. I put Nightmare outside and get to Anti's side. We intertwine hands, he squeezes mine intensely.

"Don't worry, Anti. You can do this," I whisper to him. "Oh, spare me. Shut the fuck up and check if you can see the head or not!" Anti growls. I remove his pants and boxer-briefs, spread his legs and get in between them. Shit, I do see the head.

"Good news, Anti, I do see the head," I say. "The bad news?" He asks. "You'll have to do this naturally," I add. "Fuck you," Anti says to me. If this wasn't such a bad time, I would make a joke out of this!

"Push," I say. Anti cries out as he pushes. Thalia's head does slide out a bit. Anti clenches his jaw and pushes again. Thalia's head slides out completely. "The head's out!" I announce. Anti smiles a bit.

Then, one shoulder tears through. I guide it out. I can't believe almost half of my baby is out already! I'm nervous, excited, scared, and ready to kill someone. What? I always want to kill someone!

Next, another shoulder slides through. Anti screams as it does. I wish his pain could go away, but it can't till Thalia is out.

"Uh, I think you're supposed to pant the rest of the contractions out. I'll be right back," I say. "Dark, you motherfucker! Don't leave me!" Anti yells as I walk to the bathroom to retrieve some towels and other supplies needed.

I walk back into the lounge room. I get back into my place —in between Anti's legs— and check on Thalia. I carefully guide her out. Loud, shrill cries erupt from her. I tie off her cord and cut it. Then, I gently rub her down with a towel to get the water out of her lungs.

(A/N: Guys, I'm just going from what a veterinarian does when they deliver puppies. This may be wrong.)

Next, I wrap her in a towel and set her on Anti's chest. She almost immediately stops crying and snuggles to Anti's chest for warmth.

"She's beautiful," Anti says in a hoarse voice. "She's perfect, too," I add. "What should her middle name be?" Anti asks, "I picked out Thalia. You pick out her middle name." "Grace," I say, "Thalia Grace McLoughlin - Fischbach." "That's beautiful," Anti comments, "just like her."

Hope 'ya like it! I know it's not so good.....I shouldn't listen to BOTDF while writing this, should I?

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