Verse Sixteen: Feeling Resentful

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The burning hate inside of me

Against the chill of the night

It bites inside of me

I'm carrying my fists and my knives

Left without a trace

Cracked his skull without a trace

Cleaned the body after I beat him to death

Six hours ago he breathed

Three hours ago he prepared for his death


You've been watching me watch you

You know I despise everything you do

I know you hate everything about me

It can't be explained by science

No logic in senseless violence

It was hate at first sight

And hate at last sight


I tried to hang you with a rope in my backyard

You tried to drown me in the lake behind the graveyard

We both tried to burn each other alive

Rolling around in gasoline fighting for the match

No words express why I feel this

And no words can express the hate

I choke each word I speak to you

Since we breathe the same air

My lungs are contaminated

I dig my blade into my chest

Opening up the rib cage

Set my lungs free, away from the life you give

You do the same with fire

Burn away your skin

And reveal who you truly are

It blinds my eyes

But you say the same to me

A vicuous cycle of never ending hate

I can't remove my mind from this state


We got together behind the school walls

Decided to end it once and for all

But I gave you six hours to live

On the sixth of June you died

We had a duel, fighting for life

But in my eyes I was fighting for your death

Only one can live because there's no mercy

I live to kill you, you live to kill me

You tried to kill me quick

Shot me six times but missed

Your hand was shaking, your fear replacing your hate

And now it's a divit in your skull

I choked and cut him while he was alive

Then dismembered and purified what seemingly remained

His purge was gone, his life taken away

But I can't get rid of the burning hate, the endless dismay

Perfection of Darkness: The Fourth Book of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now