So I'll wake up and scream
The seventh time I fogot your name
But your image haunts my dreams
I know you can feel me suffocating
I'm shaking, I've fallen
So do you notice me now?
Because I've noticed you
Do you recognize me?
I'm looking through a shattered view
No logic, just emotion
That's why I scream at you
Begging to hear me
Begging for peace
I'm not unseen
I'm just unheard
My voice can't utter a sound until you call me
I hardly remember what it's like to feel pain
I'm longing for it
But I'm not avoiding death
I'm stalking you but it won't stalk me back
So are you looking through your own shattered view?
It must be broken to pieces because the fragments cut my skin
I'm not going to bleed again
I'll just deepen my old, healed wounds
So maybe I'll feel love again
Maybe I'll be accepted again
And through blood stained tears all I feel is pain
So I'll wake up and scream
My hours are running low
The clock is dying
The handles aee slowing down
You told me where to cut
So I just deepened the gashes
You taught me how to hate
So I just increased the feeling
It hurts to cry but I need to before I die
I like to cause pain
I eat death, and drink decay
Just watch your world fade away
Just watch me fade away
It hurts to cry but I need to before I die
I like to suffer, but I don't feel alive
It's simply the difference from reality and my imagination
So I know it's real
So I know where to slice
Across my wrists and across my throat
Perfection of Darkness: The Fourth Book of Poems
PoésieThe fourth book of poems in a continuous mini series. Each book contains exactly 54 poems, and I update the most recent one regularly. After I have finished one book with exactly 54 poems, I move on to the next book. Some books contain themes, excep...