Another human is born
But another one dies
I'm brought to tragedy
Someone succeeds
But a harder worker fails
And you're brought to happiness
But I'm not jealous
I don't envy your smile anymore
You have what I wanted
But now I scoff, because I know it's just a rose
With the sharpest thorns that only cut my skin
When I gaze at its horrific beauty
And no one realizes that it's slowly wilting away
Someone said hello to me
While I said goodbye to someone else
People tell me 'I love you.'
But others say 'I hate you.'
Life brought me sorrow
But it brought you joy
How can reality be so unfair?
But it isn't hard to see, because humanity is reality
Everything dead and alive comes from us
The desert pours and then it goes dry
Crops survive just to die in a famine
I fall in love just to discard my feelings
Your happy now
But you'll be sad in the end
'Cause I'll make sure you have nothing left
Hands can help but they also take away
I once raised you up to the sun
But then you forgot me like I'm no one
Keep in mind, you're still stepping on my back
So I get to choose when you fall
And I'll pick the time you hit rock bottom the hardest
Waiting for the day you'll fall down slowly instead of gravity pulling you down
I want you to think your dreaming
That this can't be real
But it is, because it's reality
And in reality, happiness dies
You're like the twin I never had
The way the horror echoes through your words
You're like the friend I never wanted
The way your eyes say you don't care
Our wrists are identical
But the scars on our souls are different
Mine is damaged, like a smokers lungs
You have artificial breathing, you are only physical
Throw away an item just to get the next
To make you preoccupied
To postpone the pain
Your just getting a lung transplant
And I hope you know
I hope you realize
Your body will shut down
And your respiratory collapses
When that time comes, I won't be there to start your heart
No, you can't get back up by yourself
Everyone is passive when they're biten twice
No revival for you
No burial that you deserve
You'll only be set in a casket
And left there in the morgue
Bringing my sadistic friends
Necrophilia burns within them
I want to burn your casket
With your body in it
Only when I can hardly recognize your corpse
And I'm not the only happy you died
I'm not the only enjoying the smell of burning human
Vivacious died but brought back a happiness
But it's different, it's empty
Just like I always was

Perfection of Darkness: The Fourth Book of Poems
PoesíaThe fourth book of poems in a continuous mini series. Each book contains exactly 54 poems, and I update the most recent one regularly. After I have finished one book with exactly 54 poems, I move on to the next book. Some books contain themes, excep...