A Fateful Encounter - Prologue - Part 1

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Hello all. i am chicken, one of the writers from this story. 

*cue fake excitement*

this is a live thing, so don't expect overly entertaining chapters.

we (unfortunately) do not have the ability to control what shit goes down and what doesn't

Anywho, hope you enjoy. i tried.

Chicken POV:

Now, when I really say 'fateful encounter' I literally mean looking across an expanse of concrete and thinking, "Hey, you're the most attractive one here. I'm going to make you fall in love with me." Now of course I wouldn't say that, no, I don't have nearly as much dignity as I let people believe. In reality, I just thanked the school and his intelligence level for putting him in every single one of my classes.

They knew. And I was glad.

If I had known though, that this 'simple and short term crush' would last a year and a half I would've been running for the fucking hills. 

Caesar Salad was the kind of guy that was out of my league. I don't use this term lightly either, he was a microscopic ant that I, somehow, managed to gaze at whenever I damn pleased.

He was sporty, and fit, and beautiful, and had a jawline carved by the mother-flippin gods.

He also happened to be nice. To me.

Which was hard to come by when you're a fat, uncoordinated, piece of McDonald's rubbish that killed a turtle.

Now when I say nice, I mean he probably tried to avoid me in case I got bacon grease on him or something. Then I think he just gave up, because I'm a persistent bitch, and accepted the fact that I was not leaving.

I mean if you had a throne in front of you and your dream crush sitting on an identical chair next to it?

I wouldn't be fucking standing that's for sure.

Of course I doubted myself, he was a vanilla scented candle and I was the failed one made out of Ear Wax that Mythbusters tried creating. He smelt damn fine and I was being referred to as a rotting corpse.

What a great boost of confidence.

Now don't get me wrong, I was never bullied or anything like that, (which I am incredibly grateful) I received the odd insult about my weight every now and then, but I had an amazing ability to say a comeback twice as strong as my offenders initial argument. I was not one to be underestimated.

In saying that though, I did happen to gradually fall in love with someone who was at least 10x better at everything then I was.  

I fell in love with a confident, cocky, doochebag, piece of shit, beautiful specimen, that haunts my thoughts roughly 24/7.

And here (If you made it) is where the rest of my dignity can be found.

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