But Not So Fast

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Chicken hasnt been on here in a while, but here I am. I figure I'll give a run down on the last two years because boy,, has it been a journey.

Caesar Salad no longer owns my heart, which I'm honestly okay with, and probably the reason why I don't come on here as often.

I'm also a vegetarian now so that makes this whole naming game completely, and, very ironic.

Go me.

I had a crush on and old crush, told them, and got turned down, this person will be referred to as W.O.F from this point onwards.

I went through a pretty rough couple of months, but I'm good now.

I'll be graduating in two years and moving on to doing something with my life, the specifics of which are completely unknown to me.

I think that's kind of a good thing though.

As for romantic pursuits, well that's at a stand still for now. And while Oreos story might be on hold, I don't think the book has really closed just yet.

I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing and hope for the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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