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"How's he doing?" Nadiely asked as she approached Yemi the next day. They were at the salon, back with the same routine except Yemi was cutting it short to go see Zayn, who still hadn't woken up yet.

"Uh," Yemi let a few makeup brushes soak in the water before drying her hands off, "he's fine, just has to get strong enough to wake up, you know? So, that's what they're waiting for."

"How's Jahdai?"

Yemi looked behind her as Jahdai sat in her salon chair, combing his wavy hair and giggling in the mirror. "I'm trying to occupy him but he doesn't get that distracted."

"Okay," she replied easily, "you're going to see him today?"

"Of course. Jahdai wants to anyway. He talks to him a lot."

"Okay, Yemi," Nadiely chuckled and patted her friend on the back, "as long as everything's fine."



"Yemi!" Jahdai ran out of the nurse's arms and towards the young woman, hugging her legs.

"Hey, what happened, babe?" she crouched down to his height while he just smiled at her.

"My daddy's awake," he smiled, a few of his teeth missing, "he's getting poked at right now."

"That's great!" Yemi grinned, finally relieved to hear some good news, because she didn't know if she could tell this little boy what was really going on. "You wanna come with me?"

"Where we going--"

"Actually, Ms--"

"Khan," she shook the nurse's hand politely, "Yemi Khan."

"Well, Ms. Khan, his father is...very sensitive to what's going on and we'd rather you not take Jahdai with you right now until he's settled down."

"Okay, that's fine," she pouted at the child and he did the same, "sorry, man."

"It's fine, we'll go later."

Yemi just giggled, picking him up and walking to the window. The nurses made Zayn sit down after what Yemi assumed was just a normal sponge bath after the days he'd been in here. He looked terrible honestly, dark and deep circles under his eyes and pale skin. His hair was all over his face and he was so skinny she could see a few of his bones poking at the surface of his skin, like he could break so easily with one wrong move.

"Daddy looks bad," Jahdai tried not to cry, his eyes blinking rapidly, "he has to eat and drink."

"He does," she agreed, wiping under his eyes and kissing his forehead, "but he's gonna get better. He's up, so he can try to eat now."

"Daddy doesn't like help."

"Well, he's gonna have to like it."

Zayn was propped up in the bed, the tray of food I front of him, just sitting there. The nurse said something to him and he just shook his head slowly, giving her a look.

Yemi bit her lip when he looked away to stare at her, his expression blank.

"Hi, daddy!" Jahdai waved and Zayn managed to blink and smiled half heartedly at his son, "can we go in now?"

"Yeah, you can," she set him down but he clung to her sweater, making them almost fall, "what?"

"Come with me. I told him about you a lot. Please?"

"Jahdai, I'd rather you talk to him for a while, for privacy reasons. I'm going to get something to drink, and if you need me, just tell the nurse. You know what she looks like, right?"


"Okay, I'll be back." Yemi watched him go in and she walked back into the lobby, pulling her phone out and tapping on Nadiely's contact.


"Girl, he woke up."

"What? How is he doing?"

"He's...he looks pretty bad, but he's awake at least. I don't think he's eating, though."

"That's the last thing he can't do. He needs to eat, Yemi."

"I know," she groaned quietly, aware of the other people in the lobby, "so, I let Jahdai in but I'm in the lobby now. I just want them to you know, have privacy. But he wants me there so bad for some reason."

"'I told him about you guys while he slept,'" Nadiely mocked the child and Yemi rolled her eyes, "he's an adorable ass kid, man. At least let Zayn meet the girl that saved his life."

"You were there, too!"

"Yeah, but I'm working, Yemi."

"Whatever. I'll call you later."

"Keep me updated, honeybee."

"Shut up," Yemi hung up and crossed her legs, looking ahead at the desk.

"Yemi...Yemi Khan?" the nurse called her name and she stood up, "he's asking for you?"

"Which one?"



"Oh," she sighed and slowly followed the doctor down the hallway, "are you sure?"

"Yep. Hopefully you can get him to eat also."

"Sure," Yemi rolled her eyes and stood at the wall next to the door, "what if he hates me or something?"

"Impossible, he's grateful."

Yemi peeked in the doorway and Zayn was looking at his food warily while Jahdai flipped through the channels of the TV. "Um..."

Both boys turned to her and the nurse left. Jahdai hopped down and walked to her. "Yemi!"

"Hi," she smiled and hugged him back.

"Daddy, this is Yemi. She's really nice."

Zayn just smiled, like that smile white people give black people when they make eye contact on the street. She gulped.


"Thank you," he muttered almost inaudibly, not meeting her eyes, not that she was making contact anyway.

"Uh, it's nothing," she sat down in an open chair and crossed her legs.

Jahdai looked between them both and frowned. "Keep talking, it's quiet."

Zayn looked at his son and finally grinned, ruffling his long hair and biting his pink lip. God, they were so skinny.

"He's really cute," Yemi spoke up with a small smile, "how old are you, Jahdai?"

"Five," he replied with a smile, "I'm five."

"So smart," she ran a hand through her bundles and looked down at her shoes, "you know you have to eat, right?"

Zayn's glassy eyes widened and Yemi just watched him. "I can't, Jah hasn't eat--"

"He's eaten, don't worry, Zayn. I've fed him, you're the only one that hasn't had a meal yet."


"No buts," she got up and pushed the tray closer to him, "eat. Unless I feed you myself."

"No, just," he took the spoon and Yemi backed up towards the door, "okay."

"Good. Jah, keep an eye on him for me. I'll give you some privacy."

"Aye aye, captain!" Jahdai watched Zayn stir his soup intently and Yemi tried not to die of laughter yet again.

She was glad he was finally awake.



yeah...Zayn awake omg but it's a rollercoaster from here on out lmao


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