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Yemi sat at the table in the break room, the laptop sitting in front of her as she scanned the web page.

"What are you doing?" Nadiely asked, sitting on the counter and swinging her feet.

"Looking at phone plans," she replied, "I'm giving Zayn my old phone so he can contact me. Did you know if you add another line it's cheaper? What the hell?"

"You're giving Zayn a phone?"



"Because the other day he finished work early and didn't remember my phone number. I don't want him stranded at work."

"Use a phone book."

"I'm not in the phonebook."

"Yemi, don't you think you're doing too much?" Nadiely suggested, "I mean, you're giving him all this stuff and there's no way you'll get your money back in time."

"Why would I care about money, Nadi?" she was a great friend but Nadiely brought up money every time Yemi mentioned Zayn and it had gotten annoying. "I thought you knew me better."

"I do, just...you don't even know him like that--"

"Yes I do? Do you live with us? I didn't think so, so you can't say something like that," Yemi was so tired of this.

"He's not going to pay you back, I hope you know," she replied with crossed arms.

"What the--" Yemi stood and closed the door, a few people were already looking, knowing she was about to lay her out, "Nadiely, would you like me to run your tab? Since you wanna mention paying people back?"


"Me, starting this business when I was just eighteen and barely having enough money. I was a kitchen beautician with you taking half my pay. I got my own business through good credit and a small loan from my mother. I was endorsed by many cosmetic brands and fashion names due to my booming YouTube channel while you," she pointed, "you were just a best friend."


"I'm not finished!" she raised her voice and frowned, "then, said best friend wanted her own line also, so me, being the nice as person I was, gave you money so you could blow up too. That best friend was a terrible marketer and lazy as fuck, and lost some of her earnings but guess what? I was fine. I loaned her what? Five thousand, not including other expenses, interest, taxes, and my valuable ass time," Yemi put her hands on her hips, "so who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm honestly just saying--"

"Are you paying me back or not? Because that's eight thousand, two hundred and seventy four thousand dollars and fifteen cents that you owe me, not including the Starbucks I bought you yesterday. Do you see me rubbing it in your face? Do you see me mentioning it every day while you're trying to work? I got my own problems."

"He's using you Yemi--"

She wanted to punch her so bad. "Not once have you said you were paying me back, but Zayn insists on it. See the difference?"

Nadiely was quiet, not looking at her friend and frowning at the ground.

"So," Yemi grabbed her purse and laptop, ready to go, "instead of buying the best fashion and latest trends, give me my fucking money."

Yemi came home to a very great smelling kitchen.

"What's this?" she shuffled the jacket off and picked her puppies up, "hey lil' babies. Do you know who's cooking?"

"Yemi!" Jahdai ran in with barbecue sauce around his lips, "come on, we cooked you dinner!"

"You did?" she set her dogs down and followed Jah into the kitchen. Zayn was mixing up some sort of concoction on the stove, making Yemi smile. "Hi."

"Hey," he greeted before looking at her, "how was work?"

"A mess," she sat at a stool and stared at his back muscles through the shirt, "Nadiely is a...a butthole. But I got more business since my makeup is now sold in stores."

"That's really really good."

"What about you?"

"Ehm...I finished a review on some street art and interviewed a new fashion designer. My boss is having me cover five whole pages of this stuff."

"That's really good," she smiled at him, "what have you cooked for me?"

"Some barbecue chicken with a hint of lemon, and...dirty rice and a special sauce."

"You know you're a legit chef when you have a special sauce."

"Nah," he chuckled and turned the stove off.

"I called your bank earlier," she started, "so you can start putting money away and shit. Your account is still up."


"Yeah, but since you have no money in it, I'm getting you an account with my bank because it's the best. You just have to make an account yourself at the place."

"Thank you, Yemi."

"No problem," she giggled when he made a face and walked around the counter to her, "what are you about to do?"

"Nothing," he stood in front of her and smiled, "you kissed me last night."

"Kiss?! Ew," Jahdai grimaced, hopping down and dramatically running away.

"Drama queen," Yemi looked after him before tuning back to Zayn's handsome face, "you kissed me last night."

"Yeah but you did it first."

"I guess," she shrugged, staring at his lips, "why?"

"Because...you like me," he sang.

"And if I did?" Yemi was trying not to die of happiness. Zayn was so playful and she wished she saw this side of him more often.

"Then that would be great, huh?" he leaned against the counter and licked his bottom lip, "because I'd like you back."

"Really? What's the reason?"

"Really? Yemi, you're pretty as hell and nice as fuck. You're honestly an amazing person with a heart of gold, how could I not like you?"

She blushed, putting a hand to her cheek. "Stop it."

"I'm serious," his arm slid around her waist, bringing her closer, "was that smooth?"

"Yeah," she rolled her eyes and laughed, "I'm also starving."

"Good," he got up, but she whined, "what?"

"Take me with you."

"I'm gonna be right--"

"Let's go," she followed him to the stove, "field trip, yay!"

"Yemi, what the hell--"

She giggled, pinching his sides and kissing the back of his neck.

I didn't edit this

I also like updating this book so whateverrr

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